I'm in pain and so tired of it please help

Hi everyone..Ok here is the situation. I had my gallbladder out the 5th of Sept. My doctor also removed a lot of scar tissue too. I'm still in pain. The only relief I get is when I take a pain pill. One week after my surgery i was in the hospital again because the pain was so bad. I had a million tests and everything can back in the good. My doctor said it my be a internal hernia in my intestines. The only way to find out is do lap surgery again. I'm not sure if I'm just healing and this is healing pain or something is going on. I have called my nurse at the doctors office and she said more than likely it is healing pain. How long does it take to heal? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks sarah    — sarah C. (posted on October 2, 2002)

October 2, 2002
Forgot to say my bypass surgery was on April 12 2002. Thanks Sarah
   — sarah C.

October 2, 2002
{{{just wanted to give you a big cyber-hug}}} Hope your pain goes away for good & soon.
   — Barbara B.

October 2, 2002
How does this compare to the pain that you felt after your bypass surgery? Trust yourself. If this seems abnormal, then it probably is.
   — Jenni K.

October 2, 2002
I started to think 'hey who posted for me' when I read this. RNY 10-3-01 galbladder removal 4-17-02....and constant pain until last Friday. For two months no one could figure out what was wrong with me......I had several blood tests, upper gi, X-rays, countless consults with specialist, several trips to the er. Finally I had an endoscope and they found an ulcer in my intestine. But it took them two months to do it. Dont give up!!! They treated my ulcer with medication for 4 months (one not even knowing, just suspecting) Finally several of the specialist decided I needed to have it removed. I just want to let you know that I understand how horrible it is to be in pain from your galbladder and finally have it removed but not be rid of your pain. It is depressing and horrible. Please keep on your doctors....insist you find out what it is. They tried to sell me on the healing pains for a month.....its crap.....did you have 'healing pains' like this after your much more invasive WLS surgery? I sure didnt.I dont want to scare you.....but if you think it is more than something little.....find out now not later! This Galbladder/ulcer fiasco has/will take away 8 months of my life. 8 months that I should have been having fun with my weight loss. Instead I have been doped up on pain meds and in constant pain. Oh, Im getting depressing....sorry.
   — RebeccaP

October 3, 2002
Sarah, My story like Rebeccah's is not a good one also. I had WLS on 4/5/02 and gallbladder removed on 5/14/02 because of constant back and abdominal pain. After the gallbladder was removed the pain remainined. So I had a laporoscopy 2 days ago, and they found endometriosis. Will my pain finally end? I don't know, as of right now my back is hurting. So I guess we'll see. Just stay on your doctors, and if they won't help find a new one. You know when something's not right in your own body. Good luck and keep us posted. God bless! P.S. my story is outlined in my profile if you're interested in reading it.
   — Christine L.

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