Anyone had a rash around their incisions post-op.

Hi- I am three weeks post-op RNY lap. One week ago I removed the steri-strip bandages (they itched like heck) and I developed a rash around the incisions (the incisions are not infected. The rash is just small red bumps. I finally went to a dermatologist because the rash is getting bigger and bigger around each of the incisions. He said I have contact dermatitis and prescribed a cortisone ointment. He thinks I might have been allergic to the steri-strips but is not sure, could have been sensitive to something else. Now the rash is even getting bigger and my arms and neck are itching and red. Anyone else have this happen? Anyone have any suggestions for a holistic remedy to get this allergy under control before my whole body is itching and red. Thanks.    — Joanie J. (posted on August 2, 2002)

August 2, 2002
Yes I have been there, when they put on the steri-strips and then I removed them I got rashed blisters where the strips ended on my somatch. They started out clear and then turn to a dark red and then popped themselves, drain and went away. I stopped using steri-strips, I'm allergic to them. I also had a rash for several weeks after surgery. My was under my arms, on my whole back, esp. around the where waistband on my shorts where. This lastest about 4 weeks, or so. I used walmart's brand of medicated powder (gold,yellow container). This did help, but never totally. I talked to a nurse who I had in the hospital, and she told me it was from the drugs during surgery. Just be patient it will leave soon.
   — paulsgirl

August 2, 2002
For the first four weeks post-op, I iched, literally from head to toe. It was the worst below my incision, behind my knees and elbows, and around my neck. By the time I was able to get in to see my Dr., the rash had subsided and there wasn't much she could do. It did go away, just keep putting the ointment on and try not to scratch. In total, it lasted for about 2-2 1/2 months. Sorry, no remedy here, just alot of sympathy!
   — Carolynn J.

August 5, 2002
Ouch! I can empathize with what you are going through. I am allergine to all the "ine" in pain meds, morphine, codine, etc. 5 days post, day after I came home from the hospital I broke out in an allergic reactions from my mid back all the way down my thighs. But still needed my pain med (loritab) so I took benedryl, and used benadryl ointment till I could back down my the loritab. It does pass, took about close to two weeks once I was off the meds, but it cleared up. Good luck.
   — Nene B.

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