Need to have psychiatric evaluation in Columbus, Ohio

Does anyone have any good referrals for psychiatric evaluation in Columbus, Ohio? I've decided to just book my own and bypass my insurance company since no one there knows how to handle it when it's for a medical procedure and since I don't want to wait any longer to get my approval for surgery. I worry a bit too about psychiatrics as you NEVER know if they are going to want to "treat" you for this problem for the next 2 years before finally releasing you for the surgery or just saying no because THEY don't believe in the surgery. Thanks!!!!    — Nell C. (posted on May 8, 2002)

May 8, 2002
Nell i would try calling the surgeon you want to use and asking for a referal,, If you cant do that try ohio state university hospital or clinic they do the r n y there so should be pro surgery hope this helps good luck bbd
   — BBD

May 8, 2002
It gets better and better (tongue in cheek). My health insurance does not cover pscyh eval on regular basis and won't give me the name of a doctor that I can call who would be covered under my exam. Are these people nuts or what? They have kept me on hold all afternoon hoping I would hang up but I haven't yet. Argggghhh!!!!
   — Nell C.

May 10, 2002
I just had my Evaluation today and it was like taking the SAT 524 questions of all true and false. Alot of questions about would you do this or would you do that. And then the one asking if you have been possesed by demons in the past! LOL! Any way I suggest that you go to someone who is familiar with the surgery if your going to pay for it your self. Also see if they will send the test packet out to you earlier so you do not have to add to the cost by taking a test in an office at $75+ an hour. I had been quoted $250 for it but I am in AZ. Hope that helps!
   — P.J. H.

May 31, 2002
Update: Got through my psych evaluation and, although I haven't gotten the report yet, I feel very confident. Dr. April Mancuso was a very warm and sensitive person who did not on the surface seem to be opposed to the surgery. She did mention that she has had trouble being paid for these evaluations. If you need an evaluation along the way, please remember that these care providers must be paid and you should do all you can to get them paid. If we start leaving behind us trails of unpaid medical bills that we could have helped with, some care providers might not want to treat bariatric patients anymore. I'll post an update when I see my psych evaluation so that anyone needing one in Columbus, Ohio can have another referral.
   — Nell C.

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