Are there any symptoms for leaks?

My surgeon did not require me to have a upper GI before leaving the this normal??....He said he did not think it was neccesary..    — Michelle R. (posted on April 16, 2002)

April 16, 2002
Michelle, I am Pre Op, but that was a very important question I asked my surgeon. I would call him/her and ask for a leak test. It can be very dangerous if you have a leak. You donot want to risk something so important, for a procedure that is so simple to do to check for leaks. GL
   — j P.

April 16, 2002
How far postie are you? Do you mean, LEAK, as in life-threatening, rush to ER? That probability decreases DRASTICALLY after day 8 or so. Or do you mean staple line disruption, where foods go into your old stomach? That's bad news, but generally not life threatening. My husband had the serious one, I had the non-serious one. We're both fine. AND had he been tested on Day 3, his leak probably would not have showed. It did not manifest until Day 5.
   — vitalady

April 17, 2002
Michelle, I'm 10 months post-op. My surgeon has been doing weight loss surgeries for almost 30 years, he is considered to be one of the best. He does not do leak tests unless he suspects a leak. I asked him why, and he told me he only does them when there's a problem. He said leaks are very rare.
   — Becky H.

April 17, 2002
My surgeon did not do an upper GI but instead did the leak check after the surgery in the operating room. You may want to see if your Dr. does this.
   — Daphne S.

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