I am 2 weeks post op (open RNY), and I keep having uncontrollable, unexplainable

crying spells. I went back to work after one week thinking that getting back in my routine would help, but, it doesnt seem to be doing the trick. I do not in any way regret my decision, so I dont understand my crying. I just want to know that I am normal for this. Did any other post ops experience this? Or am I just crazy?    — Jennifer C. (posted on February 11, 2002)

February 11, 2002
I suppose your surgeon didn't tell you that when women burn fat they release estrogen. (?) That would explain the crying spells. Don't worry - you're completely normal.
   — Terissa R.

February 11, 2002
Hi, I went through the crying spell for about 1 month. Did I get over it (yes). I seem to have other issues now. I thought I was a strong person, but we all have food issues. You will come to terms with it, or better yet speak to a therapist. Talking to someone about any feelings helps.
   — lynbaby B.

February 11, 2002
You're not crazy, I did it too.. Cry, happy, cry, happy.. and then just completely out of my mind because I had too much energy (last couple weeks been on this kick).. Bad cycle there... But I wouldn't trade it for the world :)
   — Elizabeth D.

February 11, 2002
I did not experience this, but, I've read here that your dr. may prescibe an anti-depressant for 1 month or so to help.
   — Cindee A.

February 11, 2002
I did it, so I hope you are normal:) It does get better. My advice: Baby yourself the best you can. Soft flannel on cold days, tea, books, hot baths when you can, fires in the fireplace. Learn about yourself and what comforts you instead of food. Good Luck and hang in there!
   — M B.

February 11, 2002
My depression set in at 3 weeks post-op. I knew it was normal after any type of surgery but it still felt really awful. Mine lasted about a week. Just sat and cried or stared at the wall. Remember, it WILL pass. It has passed for so many of us. (If it lasts longer than two weeks or you have any thoughts of self harm, please call your doctor or mental health professional.) It WILL be better. Others promised me and it was hard to believe at the time, but they were right. Contentment is around the corner! You are welcome to contact me if you'd like. We are all here for you.
   — Sharon M.

February 11, 2002
I am a man, and this happened to me also. I have never been "mental", but I was not prepared for the feelings that came with losing my coping mechanism. Food. I am now learning that food is not everything. I am 2 months Post op, and haven't had an episode of overwhelming emotions for a couple of weeks. you'll get over it too, I am sure.
   — sbinkerd1

February 16, 2002
i remember for the first month out, still sore, missing my addiction, having a hard time sleeping.. wondering if i did the right thing,, things looked so bad then. but success brings happiness. and you will lose weight, you will look back at how you feel today and it will just be a memory,, i kept saying to myself, "what did i do, what did i do"? what i did was save my life, and open the door for a whole new life, instead of laying in bed at night fearing my heart would give out before morning, these days i think of what i want to do the next gets better emotionally and physically,,,with every day that passes..
   — bruce M.

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