Anyone else given a surgery date on short notice???

I was given an maybe date at the end of January but today I get a call from the surgeron's office its going to be December 10,01. 12 Days is going to get here real fast and now I feel very excited and extemely nervous. Has anyone else having their surgery done on short notice. Tomorrow I am going to try to get my pre-op tests done and hopefully they will get the test results in time before surgery. Even though I am excited and nervous and I feel very calm on the inside at the same time. I think I am still in shock after hearing when my surgery date is. Thanks    — Laura G. (posted on November 30, 2001)

November 29, 2001
Hi Laura, I too was given short notice. My appt. with the surgeon was on Oct.5 and my surgery was Oct.10.I was shocked to get a date so quick. I got all my tests done except the bone density test,that is scheduled for Jan.02. I wanted to get this surgery so bad I didn't care if he said the next day !!I did alot of scrambling around to get everything in order ,house etc... You will be glad it's over. Good Luck and a speedy recovery :)
   — Connie Z.

November 29, 2001
My surgery date was about 2 weeks away, when they called with a cancellation. So, I had 36 hours to get my stuff together! I thought I was going to lose it, but I didn't! I now appreciate that fact that it came so fast. I didn't have time for lingering doubts, and fears to creep in. Look at it as an early Christmas present! You will be thinner by Christmas morning! Congratulations and Good Luck!
   — Wendy H.

November 29, 2001
I have Surgery on the 14th of December. I just had my preop tests done yesterday. I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as will them tests be complteted by the surgery date. Mine was scheduled this way so I do not think they schedule if they don't think they will get the results in time for surgery. Hope this helps.
   — sbinkerd1

November 30, 2001
Hi there- How funny! I had exactly twelve days to prepare as well, I was expecting a Dec. 6 date, but ended up having surgery 11/19. As for my pre-op testing, they had the results back before I even left the hospital, so I could find out that day whether everything was ok, or if I had to wait longer. Looking back I am very glad I got an earlier date, because it gave me less time to freak out and think about all the bd things that may happen. As it was surgery went off without a hitch and I feel great! You will do fine. Good luck and keep us posted!
   — Deborah W.

November 30, 2001
I had 4 days notice to get all of my pre-op testing done in. I rushed around like crazy trying to get everything done in time. I was kept so busy attending to last minute details I never had time to worry about the surgery. My surgery day came and I was extremely calm. I am glad it happened the way it did, because I am not certain I would have gone through with it if I had had a long time to actually think about it. The risks involved in this surgery were very scary to me and even though I wanted the surgery very much, my fear factor may have won out in the long run if everything hadn't come as quickly as it did. Now I am almost 4 weeks post-op and doing great and am ever so glad that I have had my surgery and finaly loosing weight and looking forward to being healthy again.
   — Susan M.

November 30, 2001
I got called at 5:40pm on Thursday evening and was told that my surgery was to be 7:15 am the next Wednesday! With lots of phone calling and not taking NO for an answer, you can arrange all the appointments you need on Friday for Monday & Tuesday, and get ready in time. Not only did I get all of my needs taken care of, but my husband started a new contract with a new client on Monday, and my son started 5th grade in a new school where he did not know anyone and had to take the bus on Tuesday! Believe me, having the surgery on Wednesday gave me a well deserved rest! Looking back, I'm glad that it was so hectic, I didn't have time for second thoughts, worries, or negative feelings----I just got busy, got done what needed to be, and then got on with WLS then the rest of my life!
   — Sue F.

November 30, 2001
My surgery was appoved in a week and they originally gave me a surgery date that was only 10 days from the approval date. I was shocked...totally unprepared. I couldn't get things at work cleared up that quickly and I was going to recoup for two weeks at my sister's house...she also needed time off from work. I pushed it back by two months.
   — [Anonymous]

November 30, 2001
Look at the bright side, you will be thinner and healthier sooner and noot have to wait as long worrying about the surgery, Given this you may well be better off,
   — bob-haller

November 30, 2001
Laura, once I was approved by insurance (which took less than 24 hours after my surgeons office faxed the documents) I asked to be put on a cancellation list. My surgeons office called me back about an hour later, and gave me a surgery date that was 12 days away, just like you. I was so happy. I couldnt imagine waiting months to get started. Relax, you will do just fine. Before you know it, you will be well on your way to a healthy thinner life. All the best for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — skymaxjr

November 30, 2001
At my appointment with the surgeon on Aug 30, I was given a date of Nov 16 (which was my birthday) and I took it. I got a call on Sep 17 asking if I would be interested in changing my date to Friday Sep 21. Yeah, buddy!!!! Had my pre-op tests on Wednesday, surgery on Friday. I'm soooo glad I did. By the time my b-day rolled around I was almost 2 months post-op.
   — [Anonymous]

November 30, 2001
I had eleven days notice and I'm glad. I did'nt have so long to sweat bullets and worry. ;)
   — Danmark

November 30, 2001
I had 6 days notice. Take it as a blessing!!
   — Courtney W.

June 10, 2002
I was approved June 7, 2002 and I have a surgery date of June 20, 2002. I'm glad because I'm having really bad anxiety, and if it was any longer, I might change my mind. I felt a sense of peace when I decided on having surgery, and I know this is my answer for long-term weightloss and better health. I have 250lbs to lose!
   — Courtney S.

June 10, 2002
Hi! I was approved on May 17th 2002.. on May 20 I was given a June 3 surgery date! I was freaking out.. LOL.. but with lots of help and great support I got everything done. I'm now one week post op BPD (no DS) and sailing along fine. Make your lists and do the things you want done before surgery one bit at a time so it doesn't all pile up on you and you'll be just fine. God bless you and good luck! ~Peace
   — Joscelin

March 14, 2004
I saw my surgeon in Nov. and was given a date in Feb for my surgery. 3 days after new Years day I got a call asking me if I was interested in having surgery Jan. 9th--4 days later. I said yes and was in a flurry of preperations. I am glad I took that opportunity, because i am not sure if I had had to wait another month if I would have gone through with it. I am glad things were pushed up and I had my surgery when i did.
   — JEANNE M.

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