How do you cope????

and I am so excited and scared at the same time. I have been trying for this surgery a long time and now it has become a reality. I can't think of nothing else. How does everyone cope with all this emotional excitement???I think of nothing else. I am happy,excited, scared. These feelings are so overwhelming at times.I am trying to stay calm and focus but I feel like I am on the roller coaster of my life!!!! Any suggestions????    — Laura G. (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
You are so funny. I am feeling like a nut myself. Surgery is scheduled for 30th of November and I am trying to keep things in check by getting ready at work and at home and trying to normalize things to keep from falling off the roller coaster. Good Luck
   — luckybamotra

November 7, 2001
I am so glad I am not the only one feeling this way. I am scheduled for surgery on Monday the 12. I am not nervous, just a little stressed. I know everything will be alright but it is the reality that is hitting us now and it is overwhelming with so much to think about. I am just ready for it to be over with so I can get back to normal(If there is such
   — Lynda T.

November 7, 2001
Your normsal, I was the same way. I fretted everythng and last suppered gaining 20 pounds. What a waste of time! Look at surgery as the best thing you will ever do, I know it is for me. Down 89 pounds.
   — bob-haller

November 7, 2001
Just know you're not alone =) I've dealt with insurance for 9 months and came within 3 days of my surgery, which was postponed at that time. I've fuond the way to deal with it is to just keep talking.. I have to admit I put myself to sleep at night with Benadryl a couple nights because I couldn't get it out of my head.. But talking to post-ops, pre-ops and family helped.. But don't try to convince yourself or talk yourself out of it (that part should've been done already - you'll scare yourself to death) Try the chat rooms if you find yourself with racing thoughts, they should help a lot =) Good luck on your journey to the other side !
   — Elizabeth D.

November 7, 2001
Hi Laura; First of all you need to know that we are all here for you and we have all gone throught the same crazy emotions that you are having. This is the beginning of the best journey of your life. I have to admit that the sheer terror of it all had me on my knees the few days before surgery, but I kept coming here and talking and feeling the warm hugs and encouragment from everyone, and it really helped, and continues to help!! You are NOT alone..Good luck to you!!
   — Donna S.

November 7, 2001
I hear ya! My surgery is scheduled for 8 am on 11/19 and I am READY TO GO ALREADY!!! I am also scared, excited, nervous, etc. If it wasn't for my angel, Ellen, and my supportive friends and family, I would be locked up right now. :) I am so stressed that I had a nightmare on Friday night that I lost my job, so, I lost my insurance and couldn't get this operation. JEESH! You'll do fine and congrats!
   — Karen R.

November 7, 2001
God, the feelings you're experiencing is so normal. I was the same way. I had my surgery almost 7 weeks ago. Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, come to this site. There's always someone who is going through the same thing or has been through it. I can't tell you how many hours I spent on here the week before my surgery! Soon, you'll be on the "other" side and feeling so much better. Good luck to you!
   — Kelley S.

November 7, 2001
I could have posted this. I feel just like you. I was denied in May, switched insurance, and was approved, and my date is 12/12! i'm excited, nervous, and happy all rolled into one!! I did buy myself a size (small) pair of cute overalls, i've always wanted a pair. they're hanging in my closet and I see them everyday. Sorta an incentive, and helps me not to get too crazy.
   — Cindee A.

November 8, 2001
Boy, do I remember those feelings. I am 8 months post-op but clearly remember those last couple of weeks. I am not prone to being emotional but would cry at the drop of a hat during those last couple of weeks. I finally just decided to focus my thoughts on the "after". I decided I would just let that week of surgery come and go and not think about it. This worked for me and that week did come and go. Keep those happy thoughts. Best of luck.
   — Karen Z.

November 8, 2001
Laur, I hear you 100% . You described my feelings exactly. My surgery is scheduled for 8:00am on 11/27/01. Yesterday I had a huge scare that it was going to be moved to April 17th. While I am super, super happy that it's not going to be, the experience took away some of my "I am going to be just fine, this is the most wonderful thing I have ever done for myself" momentum. But, I read all of the postings, look at old ones in the library, look at pictures to realize that I am definitely not alone. And that is enough to help. If other's have gotten through fine, then so will I. Best of luck to you. Keep us updated!
   — PaulaM

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