Has Anybody known their PCP to do this for them?

I was denied for surgery in May or June. In July,I changed to a woman pcp.I have been seeing her since. But, in Oct. she asked me if I ever considered the bypass surgery. I told her I already tried, but I was denied. She told me to get my information together and give it to her because she said she will go to the Medical group committee to see if she can get it overturned!!! Can a doctor do that??? Has anyone's HMO pcp ever done that before.? I am afraid too much time has lasped to have it overturned.This is pretty wild for me because I never expected this Doctor to say such a thing because she is so pretty,young,and very petite.I am starting to hope again!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 8, 2001)

October 8, 2001
That is strange that you have asked that ? I was waiting for my insurance company to decide and in the mean time my PCP who is a woman and a fantastic doctor told me to let her know immediately if they deny me. She told me she will make sure that I get approved!!!!!No questions asked? Needless to say they did approve me today. But turn everything over to your doctor. I know she can do wonders!!
   — CAROL S.

December 19, 2001
My HMO PCP recommended me for the surgery gave me the number and wrote the letter of medical necessity with any problem he also included a five year weight history. I was approved for surgery in two days.
   — blank first name B.

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