Help! very depressed. got denied and have to wait one year

Is there anyone out there going through the same situation as me ? I was denied wls because they (health net) want to me to do a doctor supervised diet.A year is a long time.I feel extremely depressed.I feel like a total fool at my job because my friend told some people now everybody looks at me funny wondering why I haven't proceeded with the wls.I had my hopes up sooo high and now I got to do this diet for a year !!! I need to talk to someone badly for the next 9 months. I feel so alone. My family totally support me and even thought they say they understand me, its not the same hearing it from someone who is going through the same thing. I have noticed something about the people who have had the surgery, they will answer other posts and offer advise to help but as far as one on one they aren't dedicated to supporting a pre-op. They lose interest because they are on the other side now and in time they no longer really care about the fighting to get the wls.I am sure there are alot of people out there who still care but I got a long wait and I know I must sound very whinny, huh? Anyone else out there whinning like me? I want your company and together we can get through this. Thanks !!!    — Laura G. (posted on September 10, 2001)

September 13, 2001
Laura, I am very sorry you have had this disappointment. I can imagine you feel very let down, angry, and frustrated. Have you filed an appeal? If you must wait at least it will give you a lot of time to be sure that you absolutely want to have this surgery. Perhaps you can also do some moderate activity to get you in the best operative condition. Take heart, the time will pass and I hope you can enjoy life while you wait.
   — Gina U.

September 15, 2001
Hi Laura: My medical group put up several road blocks for me through my process...6 mos with no asthma attack and 6 months dr supervised diet.....well you do have hope here..I requested copies of my medical records, cost me about $35. and read back through them where on one of my first visits the dr had documented "obesity" and advised a 1200 calorie a day diet...I had several follow up visits after that for my asthma and other health related items and found that each time the office had weighed me in(like every dr office does) and that each time my dr had documented "obesity"...I really "ticked" my med group off, but they had to count that as "DR. SUPERVISED DIETS" it met alll of the criteria...I have Pacific Care California HMO...they had to retro all of that time frame and I only had about 30 days to go on the dr supervised diet time frame...I am now 5 weeks post op and down 51#......
   — Joi G.

September 15, 2001
Hi Laura: Just an update to my previous post....I also have Dr. Sanderfer..he is wonderful....again...hope I can be as helpful a possible.....ask Debbie at his medical group(Corona Family Care) knows me WELL...I was a Constant Thorn In Their Side and that is what it takes....Dr. Sanderfer's office couldn't believe that I could be so bold and brazen at my medical group....but surgery got approved finally....ONLY BECAUSE OF MY BIG MOUTH....THE SQUEAKY WHEEL DOES GET THE OIL...BELIEVE ME
   — Joi G.

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