Anyone from New York had 1199

I am currently doing my 6 month weight loss with my PCP and this is my last thing...oh besides psych evaluation. My question is has anyone been approved for RYN bypass with 1199 has their insurance. I heard they can be the meanies. If so, what did you do to make sure you got approved or to be approved. I have no comorbities but high blood pressure and diabetes both run in my family and I am about 115 pounds overweight and have been for at least 2 to 3 years (have been overweight since the age of 8).    — uNiQuE, iTs wHaT i Am! (posted on October 8, 2008)

October 8, 2008
i don't have your insurance, however i was in the same boat. i had nothing wrong except my wieght. i was 150 lbs over for about 15 plus years. bc bs surprized me and approved first time around.
   — peggy R.

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