Going for consult and very nervous about rejection.

I am 5"7" and I weigh 255. I have been on 18 different diet plans in the past 24 years and never had lasting success. I have a family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease and various cancers. I personally do not have any of these yet except borderline high cholesterol and hypothyroidism. My bmi is 40(just barely) and I am scared to death that now that I have found the plan that I think will work I will be denied because I am not sick enough. Can anyone ease my mind?    — angieligon (posted on June 3, 2008)

June 3, 2008
Hi Angie, My BMI was 40.1 when I went to my first consult. What I found was a team of weight loss professionals who were sympathetic to my struggle and wanted me to succeed at weight loss. I was asked to loose 5% of my current total weight and then I had a couple of other stipulations I had to meet for my insurance company. I did of asked of me and as of yesterday I was 2 weeks post-op and doing very well. I wish you the very best of luck with the choice that you have made and I am confident that you will be accepted. The guidelines differ facility to facility, mine was a required BMI of 40 or greater or a BMI of 35 along with a medical problem such as sleep apnea/ diabetes/ high blood pressure. Take care of yourself. You make a difference in this world.
   — mannecote

June 3, 2008
I agree with the first response. And the rules to qualify at my bariatric center were the same. Good luck!
   — jujuprof

June 3, 2008
Hi angie, My BMI is high 63 but I am they say healthy. I do have high blood pressure. I also have tried every weightloss unsuccessfully. This worked on my side because I need the tool to keep the weight off. Besides my weight and the pain with it I am Healthy my insurance accepted first letter because I am Morbidly Obese Best of Luck leave it in God's hands and take a deep breath. Best of luck Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

June 3, 2008
I was about the same height and weight as you when I was approved for gastric bypass. My surgeon/health coverage did not have a criteria that I lose weight prior to the surgery, but I did have to have documented proof (within the past three years) of weight loss programs such as weight watchers, etc. Make sure you document everything - each health care provider is slightly different in their criteria. I am also otherwise healthy. I believe the key to my approval was my primary doctor's copious notes as well as my own documentation (and a lot of prayers!). I'm now three months out (as of yesterday) and down 57 lbs.! Best of luck to you!
   — Donna_in_PA

June 3, 2008
I started at approximately the same height and weight as you and was healthy (considering my weight, amazing to me). I had lapband on 10/02/07 and am down 45+ pounds. The process was fairly simple due to the professionalism of my doctor and his assistant. They were supportive and though I was considered a "light weight", my doctor told me I was heading for illness and needed to get myself under control before that happened. I tell everyone I would do it all over again if I had to. Good luck with your journey.
   — Lori G.

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