In order for my surgery to be scheduled i have to lose 15 lbs. any suggestions?

i saw the surgeons nurse yesterday. in order for me to have a surgery date set i have to lose 15 pounds. any suggestions on how to lose this weight? (I wouldn't be having this surgery if i could lose weight easily!!!). Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed. you can e-mail me at [email protected].    — twenc (posted on February 25, 2000)

February 25, 2000
I would try Suzanne Somers diet. It is a diet where you eat no sugar, or very little,proteins/fats & unrefined carbs. It's based on food combining. You don't mix your proteins/fats and carbs when you eat. You may eat an unlimited amount of food. Here is an example. For breakfast I could have eggs, bacon, or any kind of meat with cheese if I wanted an omlet and veggies. Or I can Have one of my favorites, shredded wheat cereal with non fat milk, decaf coffee, and whole grain toast with sliced tomatoes and onions. The trick is I could not have the 2 things(cereal&eggs) at the same time. I have fajitas with veggies, cheese, and sour cream without tortillas. I can have a black bean chilli with salsa and whole wheat tortillas. I have all kinds of foods. I snack on cheese or soft serve ice cream, It is just wonderful. Fast food, No Problem, Salads with any kind of dressing I like, hamburgers without buns, non-fat sugar free soft serve,taco salads, let me tell you I am there. I have lost a total of 80 pounds in 6 months. I lost about 24 pounds in the first month. She has 2 books out now in paper back. Give them a look and see what you think. Good Luck
   — [Anonymous]

February 25, 2000
Hi Toni I too had to lose 10 lbs prior to surgery. I have not tried the Sommers diet as Julie recommends, maybe because she's post op, she has different results than "us pre-ops". I asked for Meridia and have been following a low fat, 1800 calorie diet and walking. I eat lots of fish, no beef and I sneak Dove chocolate eggs. Its helped, because I know that its short-term and I'm working toward a goal! My surgery is scheduled for 3/6! Good luck - email me if I can help! Toni
   — Toni B.

February 25, 2000
This seems absurd to me. The idea behind the surgery is that the person who is "morbidly obese" has exhausted all other means and is NOT able to lose weight successfully by themselves. I am not sure of your current size, but is your current weight such that it puts you at extreme risk of complications or difficulties with the surgery if you do not lose the weight? If that is the case I can see their point, however I am not sure what difference 15 pounds is going to make in lessening the risks involved. As far as the 15 lbs are concerned, try the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet. My mom has tried it on several occasions and lost a great deal of weight. It is somewhat strict during the day if you like carbs but you have an entire hour for dinner to eat whatever you want which makes it all worth while.
   — kelly P.

February 25, 2000
It was my understanding that its a good idea to lose weight before surgery because this helps shrink your liver and makes it easier for the doctor to do his thing. Overweight people are known to have enlarged livers which can make operations difficult. I dont know if this is true or not.
   — Rita O.

February 26, 2000
Yup, Rita is right. The reason many surgeons ask their patients to lose weight before the surgery is to decrease the size of the liver. It gives them more room to do what they need to do. Morbidly obese people tend to have huge livers. I know mine was, the technician even commented on how large it was when they did the ultrasound of my gall bladder. Good luck with losing the weight. Jaye
   — Jaye C.

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