Inflammed Stomach

I'm 2 mos out. I have an inflamed stomach which reasons are unknown at this time. Has anyone had this happen to them? What did the dr have you eat or do to help with the inflammation? Is there anything I can do about the pain? It hurts all the time whether I eat, drink or do neither.    — Corina C (posted on January 17, 2009)

January 16, 2009
You didn't mention what type of surgery, but I had the GVS and my doctor had me take prevacid under the tongue for 3 months, he is an instructor for these surgeries and has found that the prevacid helps heal the stomach. Good Luck! I hope your pain goes away soon, Prayers be with you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 16, 2009
I had a lot of damage from acid reflux and I was on Prevacid as well...There is a suspended liquid form (which I didn't try) I use the capsules...Open one and take a few chews (YUCK! but not too bad) But only because I had RNY and need the med in my pouch immediately...Rather than wait for a capsule to dissolve.... It helped heal me! Every once in a while (Very rarely) I get a gut burning feeling and take a prevacid and it's gone in minutes and doesn't return... Talk to your doc about it and see if that's a good option for you...because it takes the pain AND it perfect if it's right for what ails you!
   — .Anita R.

January 16, 2009
The first thing that came to my mind is are you taking anything for pain besides Tylenol? Insaids will wreck your tummy. Lesleigh in Ga.
   — lesleigh07

January 17, 2009
I had GSV
   — Corina C

January 17, 2009
I had the GSV or VSG aka Sleeve
   — Corina C

January 17, 2009
I had the VSG and had a lot of inflamation right after surgery, which I could feel as well as the doctor could see on the CT scan. My doctor gave me in injection of an anti-inflamatory, that the medication would last for two months or so. Good luck to you and I hope the pain passes soon.
   — DianeMB

January 17, 2009
Check with your docs. Perhaps you need to be checked out before you take pain meds or any of that. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

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