When you meet with a Psychiatrist for pre-op evaluation what goes on?

I'm curious as to what I should expect from my psych. evaluation. What sorts of questions do they ask? What takes place at the interview? I have no idea what to expect and any and all help with this question is greatly appreciated.    — butterflygirl72 (posted on August 6, 2008)

August 5, 2008
In mine *it was over a year ago* they just wanted to get to the root of my eating. They wanted to know my thoughts and expectations of the surgery. They wanted to know about support in my life and also about the negative comments people gave me. Just be honest. Mine never asked any thing direct it was general ?'s to my life.
   — bridgadean

August 5, 2008
My psych evaluation was about an hour and a half; I was completely honest; even cried twice over recitations of past bad experiences (physical and mental abuse by my father and post traumatic stress from a severe life threatening injury and near death experience.) However, they were pleased with my recovery from these things, my happy outlook, and I passed with flying colors. They do not expect you to have a cheerful, perfect history; just adequate coping and recovery skills and a support system - including your doctors and family members. Relax, psychologists are people too!
   — nofrogs29

August 5, 2008
Mine lasted for about 2 hours. I talked to the dr. for about 30 minutes, then I took about 300 question test. The questions were like. Have you every thought about committing suicide. or What are you gonna write in your suicide letter. Then there was a IQ test. They were all easy, just answer honest and you'll be fine.
   — pugsley101

August 5, 2008
Hi Kari, My visit lasted about 30 mins. I was asked why I wasnted surg. I gave my reasons. He asked me if I was anxious and I sd yes. I was anxious Happy not anxious scared. That was the end of my evauation. I had my surg 7/1/08. Hope this helps to relax you . Just be yourself..relax. Julie
   — tootsie52

August 6, 2008
My Psychologist denied my request for surgery after our first meeting. She decided that I still had too much depression to deal with the surgery. I was SO MAD at her. She had asked me how often I focused on my weight and I said every minute of my life. This is why she decided I needed to take anti-depressants for a few weeks before she would recommend the surgery. Just remember when your answering all those questions that you base your answers on how you feel today. I based some of my answers as if they were asking "have you ever felt this or that"? My Psychologist also asked a lot of questions about the surgery to see how well I understood the entire procedure. Luckily I had done plenty of research and was able to answer all those questions easily. Good luck!
   — AprilJM

August 6, 2008
The shrink wants to make sure that the decision you are making about surgery will not be one that you regret. My shrink asked why I was looking to get this surgery. I said that my surgery was another tool to use in weight loss and not the complete solution. Also I'm tired of dragging my fat a** around with me everywhere I go. He was speachless. He recommended me for the procedure right away. Best of luck and don't be afraid of shrinks. They put their pants on one leg at a time, they just have a tougher time deciding which leg goes first. Mary-Anne
   — mannecote

August 6, 2008
Hi...I just had my psych eval on 7/31...first test was 567 questions (all T or F)...and then another test with 60+ questions (multiple "guess") had to color in the little circle (remember those from Jr. High)...I was seeing spots when I left that room ;-)) After the testing I went and spent about 30 mins. talking to the "Dr."...the whole app't lasted 2 hours...they just wanna make sure you fully understand what it is you're planning to do...that this is a "tool" to be used for the rest of your life and not just a "quick fix". Just answer everything truthfully ~ you'll be fine !! Have a great day !!
   — debz_58

August 6, 2008
My psych eval was actually 5 hours long - but the biggest part of that time I was doing the personality tests on a computer - questions like 'Your boss gives your coworker a promotion when you really should have been the one to get it. How do you react? - A) shoot the boss, B) quit, C) call in sick for a week because you're too depressed to work, or D) make an appointment to talk to him to politely ask why' - really general personality tests - but then, how you handle 'life' is going to impact your experience as you do the weight loss. He also did an IQ test which was fun and I can see the purpose behind it - there are a lot of changes and you need to be intelligent enough to understand what's going on - not brilliant, just smarter than a fifth grader (or at least able to think and reason). He and I only talked for maybe an hour - talked about why I wanted to do the surgery, about what I expected to get out of it - and DEFINITELY talked about my support system. Was an enjoyable (even though it was long) appointment. Just relax and you'll do fine.
   — Rev217

August 7, 2008
I had mine about 2 months ago in preparation for RNY. I filled out this modified MMPI test and talked to my doctor, then pretty much left. She got the results in a week and I went back. We talked about support systems, like family and friends. It was very much like talking to my sister for me. The doctor forwarded on my MMPI results to my surgeon's office and that was it. She said I'd still have follow up appointments to see how I was doing after surgery, but it was pretty easy. I'm still pre-op, good luck! Jat
   — Jean Ann T.

August 7, 2008
To tell you the truth, I was a bit nervous about this. Probably has a lot to do with me being a counselor and I know what kind of people I refer for psych evals! Anyway, it was actually not scary at all. They just want to understand that you realize what you are getting into and that you understand that this is a life decision that will change a lot of things. There was no formal "testing" involved it was more like a conversation with you about changes that need to happen. Don't be scared...just do it!
   — joi-joy

August 7, 2008
Hi Kari, When I went for my psych eval they just want to make sure you're able to understand what your surgery involves, they ask you if you understand that you won't be able to eat they way you're use to ever again, that you won't be able to have sweets or carbonated drinks etc., that if you don't follow doctors guidlines that you can and will gain your weight back, they basically want to make sure you know what you're doing and that you are emotionally ready for this type of major surgery. I hope this helps you. Good luck as you start your Journey to a new life of health and happiness...Mel~Lovin my DS switched 9/05/07 sw289/gw165/cw198
   — purpleangel0909

August 7, 2008
My experience was somewhat different. The first question she asked was "How was your childhood?" Well the tears started pouring, and that pretty much told her that I had issues that needed to be worked out, she referred me to a social worker. After 5 visits he released me for surgery, I'm still going to counseling, learning to deal with emotional eating. All in all it hasn't been too bad, as a matter of fact, I sort of enjoy going, and I'm feeling less depressed and more hopeful. My advice is to just be yourself, you'll have to fill out a questionaire of some type, so you can't fool them anyway! Good Luck & God Bless! Kathie
   — KathieV

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