Pain on left side, watery diarrhea, anus burns, nausea???

It's not my appendix, had that surgery when I was 12. Please help me!!    — StormChaser77 (posted on June 18, 2008)

June 18, 2008
Could be as simple as a virus or food poisoning. This is something that if persists you need to see a Dr. The anus burning is probably due to the diarrhea. So many factors often etc. You really need to make sure to call the Dr. If you have sever diarrhea you can dehydrate quickly, and the fact that your surgery was recent makes it even more difficult to get the liquids in you that you need.
   — rjh729

June 18, 2008
I am sorry your are so miserable. Is it possible that you're eating a diet too high in fat or sugar? Even if you don't dump, watery diarrhea can be a side effect of these too no no's post RNY. You may want to go back to week one and let your system settle, make sure you get your water/fluids in. Then start introducing foods you are allowed very slowly to see if you react to anything. I was allowed a small amount of mayo with my tuna and got a lot of gas and diarrhea from it. Now that I switched to fat free miracle whip I'm ok. I've had other things bother me too. If it does clear up soon, you had better see your doc. All the best, Laura
   — waterlover

June 18, 2008
It could be anything..go to the could even bediverticulitis? Diverticulitis happens when pouches (diverticula) form in the wall of the colon and then get inflamed or infected. What causes diverticulitis? Doctors aren't sure what causes diverticulitis. But they think that a low-fiber diet may play a role. Without fiber to add bulk to the stool, the colon has to work harder than normal to push the stool forward. The pressure from this may cause pouches to form in weak spots along the colon. Diverticulitis happens when bacteria get trapped in the pouches. This can lead to inflammation or infection. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of diverticulitis may last from a few hours to a week or more. Symptoms include: Belly pain, usually in the lower left side, that is sometimes worse when you move. This is the most common symptom. Fever and chills. Bloating and gas. Diarrhea or constipation. Nausea and sometimes vomiting. Not feeling like eating.
   — dyates2948

June 19, 2008
I myself had lap band surgery but had the same problems early on while I was healing...pain on left side, the runs, bloating, gas. But I'd check with your doctor just in case something is going on. I hope you feel better soon!
   — Mary H.

June 19, 2008
I agree; sounds like possibly diverticulitis.
   — MAG

June 20, 2008
Sounds more like a bowel blockage to me, you should call your doctor.
   — angiewrn

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