swollen feet and calves

Ok, so I am 2 months out from surgery. Feeling very good. Have lost 43 pounds so far. Heres the thing. Saturday I went to a flea market type place, did lots of walking then a long car ride home. When I got home I noticed upon getting out of the car, my right foot was swollen and felt odd. As the evening progressed by bed it was my calf and foot that was swollen. The left foot is swollen just a little. But my right foot now looks like I sprained it. Do you think that it has anything to do with the surgery, or what? I guess I will call the doctor tomorrow if it is still the same. Any ideas? I am not a big salt person, so I know it isn't from that.    — teresasmiles (posted on April 27, 2008)

April 27, 2008
Is your leg red and warm? If so may be a blood clot & need to get it checked out.
   — NeedToLooseWeight

April 27, 2008
I wouldn't wait to get this checked out - sounds like it could be serious. The swelling in your feet doesn't sound all that out of the ordinary - given all the walking you did and the long car ride - but the calf, too? And only in one leg? I wouldn't chance it. Best of luck to you!
   — lauren_marie

April 27, 2008
You need to call your Dr. ASAP or even go to the emergency room. It could be nothing, or it could be a blood clot. PLEASE go get it checked out immediately. It is nothing to mess around with! Could just be too that you walked too much, but still, you need to rule out a blood clot! GO! Let us know what happens. Good luck and GOD BLESS!
   — Kathleen L.

April 27, 2008
After surgery my doc wanted me to drink 100 oz minumun of water each day, and when I walked a lot my ankles and feet would swell up. He gave me a drug called Florsimind, or something close to that and it caused me to drink more, but it also alowed me to urinate more and the swelling went away. Just call your surgeon and see what he has to day.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 27, 2008
I agree with everyone on the warm to touch...could be a should get it checked...however you left out some important you have a hx of this type of swelling...even though you are 43 lbs down...are you still significantly overweight...hx of heart dz? your doctor...but my experience is this...I am 6yrs out, in the best physical condition of my life (can out sprint my 14 yrs old!)...and I took a 13 hour trip to NY by car...when I got there it looked like I had traded in my left calf/ankle with an elephants!...I freaked...I now know that it was the car ride (dangling of the legs) and salt intake (even though I don't do a lot either) doc says it is to be expected (age, I'm 36) I prop my legs up if Im in the car very long or sitting at a ballgame for hours (double header)...BUT...depending on your age & hx...the doctor may want to r/o heart dz...Good Luck & God Bless...
   — Samantha M.

April 27, 2008
I would recommend a call to the doctor. Remember, 2 months sounds like a long time, but your surgery is very new and recent. Your body has endured quite a bit and is now recovering from a traumatic state. You have lost 43lbs and muscle and bone mass too!! If the swelling is increasing, don't wait until it's something REALLY wrong.
   — bariatricdivalatina

April 27, 2008
   — LindaA

April 27, 2008
teresa, To have just one side most affected with swelling is an unusual thing, unless you did twist the ankle sometime. To be on the safe side, please do check in with your doctor and ask him or her if they are worried at all about a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A DVT is the most worrisome of all the possible reasons for this and would require an ultrasound test to look into it further. Warmest regards, Tom Inge, MD Cincinnati, OH
   — Tom Inge, MD

April 28, 2008
As a nurse, I am telling you to seek medical attention ASAP! The key is you had a long car trip and you could have a DVT. Good luck to you! Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

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