Just heard about Protien pills.....

I heard someone taking them but they are only about 3-4 grams per capsule but I'd still like to know what they are called and where to get them. Any little bit will help. Thank you.    — Pam_B_OR (posted on March 10, 2008)

March 10, 2008
They're called Capsul-Pro and you can get them at They're 3.8 grams per capsule. I break up the doses into 3 doses per day. They work for me!...
   — jonedwards

March 10, 2008
Be very careful with how many pills you take. I am in the process of cleansing my liver. Taking a liquid cleanser and capsule. I broke out with hard knots on my calves. They said this is due to overwhelming my liver with supplements. I must take them in order to nourish myself, but I have had to stop them for a whole week. BE CAREFUL!
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 10, 2008
My doctor said that patients who have had the RNY, such as myself, should never take capsules. I'm interested in protein pills myself, but if they won't be properly absorbed, then what's the point? I wonder if the protein pills Jon mentioned in his answer above also come in tablet or caplet form (not capsule)?
   — Susan F.

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