I feel like I am dying I never read about thee stuff I am experiencing!!!!

I had my surgury 3 days ago and I am sooo sick,I have terrible back pain and gas pain? I cant lay down, I am not comfortable at any time of day!! I am miserable!!! When will I get better????????    — kate D. (posted on June 10, 2007)

June 10, 2007
Back pain could be because of the high protein diet you are now on...drink more water...the gas pain the ONLY way to get rid of that is to get up and WALK!!!! walk walk walk!!! If this all fails, consult your doctor...but I promise it WILL get better, but you HAVE to do your part and WALK and drink drink drink! Good luck
   — crystalsno

June 10, 2007
Hi Kate, I am guessing since you mention shoulder pain and you are only 3 days postop that you had the lapband. I am not sure where you researched, but the shoulder pain is a common occurrence. I have heard including from my best fried about the back pain, but I nor my husband who is band over bypass experienced that. For the shoulder pain, you need to get some GasX tablets and chew them very well. tylenol adult liquid (it is usually at a walgreens or target) can also help you with the pain. It is mostly gas and will pass. sometimes slowly. You should feel better in a couple of days, also try a heating pad on your shoulder it sometimes helps. I hope you feel better. terri
   — Terri DesVignes-Henderson

June 10, 2007
I don't know about the back pain, but the I experienced the awful gas pain off and on for over 2 weeks. Under my left breast and it was so bad that I could hardly move and couldn't sleep. Walk, Walk, Walk it's the best way to pass the gas. Sorry but it has to pass and you will feel better.Hope you feel better soon. Always, Sharon
   — sar

June 10, 2007
A patient will most likely have moderate to severe gas pain with ANY abdominal surgery they have. It can take a few days to a few weeks to get rid of. Walking is the only thing that gets rid of it. I would not take any gas-x chewables unless your doctor ok's it. When I had my gastric bypass 6 years ago I had major surgery in my shoulder, under my breast, my side, my hips, my tummy, and my back - basically everywhere close to my abdomen. I remember complaining to my doctor that I even felt the gas pain in my thigh - he basically told me that gas can move to most any region of your body. I walked every two hours for the first 3 days of my surgery, on the 4th day I started walking every 4 hours and on the 7th day I was walking every 6 hours until the 15th day. Not only does the walking reduce the risk of blood clots, it is the only way to get rid of the gas. By the way - abdominal and back pain can also be caused by constipation. If you go a few days without a bowel movement and your lower abdominal area becomes a little swollen, then you are constipated as well - believe me it totally sucks and can feel like major menstrual cramps. Post-surgery constipation can be normal, especially if you take Iron Supplements (such as multivitamin) or medications (SUCH AS PAIN AIDS). I take pain aids, iron, prenatal vitamins, and calcium daily and I have to take a stool softener every 2-3 days otherwise I suffer in a big way. Good luck hun!
   — JGDugar

June 10, 2007
Hang in there!! I am 5 days post-op and still experience some gas pains. Every day gets better and better! Walking seems to assist me.
   — Sherry Leet

June 10, 2007
I remember having bad gas pains right after surgery. Myu doctor told me to walk, although that was not what I wanted to do, to help it dissipate. It worked. His advice was to walk as much as possible and drink as much water as possible. When I listened to him, I did feel much better. That's what worked for me. I hope you are more comfortable soon. Best wishes for health and happiness always.
   — djfoz

June 10, 2007
WALK, WALK, WALK. That will help with the gas pains. Also, check with your surgeon regarding what you can take to help with the pains. Don't take anything without checking with your surgeon first. It will get better.....GOOD LUCK!!!
   — AngelaC.

June 11, 2007
I would say that back pain at three days out is probably the gas they put in to do the surgery. It gets better everyday, especially if you make the effort to get up and move alot. I went back to work 2 1/2 weeks out, and still had some lingering pain for a while. It is only temporary and will get better!
   — jlw0423

June 11, 2007
Also Kate, Gas x will not get rid of the shoulder pain, it is not from air in your pouch, it is the gas they filled your abdominal cavity with for the surgery. It will rise up to the shoulders until it dissipates! Be patient, it will go away!
   — jlw0423

June 11, 2007
First, there are any number of possible causes for the pain you are describing Although many of us had similar experiences, you still owe it to yourself to see your doctor immediately. You should have been told that your abdomen would be inflated with gas at the time of surgery-- if you had laparoscopic surgery-- so that the surgeon has a better field. As the gas settles prior to dissipating, you will fill it in odd parts of your body (many people, like me, experienced shoulder pain for a few days after surgery). Secondly, depending upon the surgery you had, you had major parts of your anatomy re-routed-- stuff was cut and moved-- and you are probably exhasusted. The trauma of surgery, along with the exhaustion of the whole event, together with the rapid realization of how much change is needed to make the procedure work, are also going to take a toll on you and amplify any pain you might be feeling. That's why you want to walk and move around as much as possible (the activity will help improve your move and help expedite your healing), follow your doctor's post-op eating plan and try to focus on the transiet nature of your discomfort (which is tough). Hope it all improves quickly for you.
   — SteveColarossi

June 11, 2007
Sounds like gas from surgery combined with the hi protein diet. I was miserable for about 1.5 weeks after getting home. I didn't so much have the gas pain, but the back pain was off the charts. Walking! Walking helped me through it. Good luck.
   — jammerz

June 11, 2007
Hey Kate, As you can see by these posts you are not alone. I too had killer gas pains. I cried and said what the (H) have I done to myself. This should subside by at least 3-4 weeks or earlier. If it does not look into a possilbe stricture or ulcer. I had both. I began throwing up; and got very dehydrated, and was hospitalized. It helps to sort of lay on an incline; and use gas-x and other things to relieve gas pains. Good luck, Judy R
   — ozlady1000

June 11, 2007
Mine started letting up about day 7. Hope it gets better for you.
   — Alvernlaw

June 11, 2007
I had back pain for a few days after surgery and I was told it was gas. I promise you it gets better. I felt better around my 5th day and I had the Lapband
   — kbcelliott

December 3, 2011
Try warm water with lemon juice. Works like a charm on the gas pain! Sounds strange but the doctor's surgical coordinator gave me the tip!
   — DiveGirl22

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