I am scheduled for surgery on Wed. the 1rst and I am starting to get gitters on the

what if.    — cindy2u2 (posted on September 28, 2008)

September 28, 2008
I am scheduled for surgery in 4wks. I am nervous and getting gitters too. hang in thier. I am trying. I just keep thinking about the long term outcome. And fresh start a 2nd chance to be thin and healthy. I think knowing so far in advance in worse. you have so much time to think about the what if's........
   — dawn2.brown

September 28, 2008
It's normal to have jitters-just before. I did once I realized it was really going to happen. I would do it all over in a heart beat. I'm six months post op. It will all be okay. Prayers and thoughts are with you. Blessings, Anita
   — ap2008324

September 28, 2008
We all go through the "what if" right before surgery. What don't have it, I don't know your situation but what if you don't? My surgery was cancellled twice before I had it so by the 3rd time I had lost the gitters and was just ready to get it over with, smile. I pray that all goes well and that you will do fine. God bless.
   — PAWLLA L.

September 28, 2008
I can sympathize with your jitters but here is a better question to aks ourself than 'what if' What if I don't have this surgery and continue to get fatter and fatter and end up dying because of all the bad stuff my body takes on? Fat shorten our lives! Just do it and be thankful, HOn. You are doing te right thing for yourself. Do it and LIVE!. Lyn
   — SkinnyLynni2B

September 28, 2008
I completely understand. I'm at that stage. What if or Am I making the right decisions. Write down a list advantages and disadvantages of your weight, do the same for the surgery. Perhaps there you will find comfort. Sincerely, Corina
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 29, 2008
For some reason I was not scared at all before my surgery. I was just so excited at the thought of FINALLY being slim & healthy. I drove myself to the hospital that morning (my husband & son were with me) and I was singing with the radio as if I was going on vacation. My husband was terrified but I wasn't scared at all. Maybe I should have been, but I just wasn't. Having this surgery has completely changed my life. I feel so much better physically & mentally. I'm so thankful to God for being able to have this surgery and with no complications. Try not to worry too much. Stay focused on your future. Just say a prayer brfore surgery and then relax. Good Luck!!!
   — AprilJM

September 29, 2008
With any risk is always that derned "what if" question...Ask yourself this....What if you don't do it??? That's what I did and lost all my nervousness! Seriously! The alternative was far worse than the risks in my opinion and in my specific pain and illnesses! It was worth the "what if"...You are gonna be just fine! I wish you much luck, success, happiness and health! You are gonna be a tiny person in a year! Doesn't that sound so awesome? I still cock my head sideways like a dog that doesn't quite understand what is being said...when someone calls me small or tiny or skinny!
   — .Anita R.

September 30, 2008
i am 3 weeks past surgery. GOOD LUCK!!! the first few weeks are the toughest, however it is a big decision. you will be fine. just choose between looking back, or looking forward. which do you want to live. think of the money you'll save on dr bills and test they always want to run on you!! you will be fine. follow your heart!! to live or to live and enjoy life!!!!
   — peggy R.

September 30, 2008
I'm 20 days post op. I want to be very honest with you. I was nervious your always scared of the unknown. But let me tell you I was expecting to be in pain like my insides were falling out I had NO Pain what so ever the only soreness I felt was from the 5 1inch incisions that was made for the surgery. Once again the incisions didn't hurt they were sore I didn't even use pain medication in the hospital that was hooked right up to my IV. I will tell you this my back hurt from laying on the operating table and sitting in bed until they got me up to walk. You didn't say what you were having done I had Gastric Bypass. Good Luck you'll be fine.
   — Denise R.

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