Did anyone have any problems being approved for the surgery because of IBS?

Has anyone had a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and if so ,was it a major concern to possibly make you a non-candidate for the RNY surgery?    — scencemi (posted on June 18, 2001)

June 18, 2001
I didn't have a problem getting my surgery approved. My doctor said that it wasn't really a concern. I am learning what foods I can eat to avoid a flare up, having the surgery will only help to keep me away from the bad food even more. my surgery date is july 5th..... nerves are starting.
   — [Anonymous]

June 18, 2001
Jennifer, I am 15 months post-op lap RNY. I experienced moderate to severe IBS for approximately 15 years pre-op. My surgeon actually listed it as one of several co-morbidities and told me that in all liklihood the RNY would resolve or improve the condition. I am pleased to say that my IBS "disappeared" the day of surgery and has been non-existent ever since. I have also spoken with several other post-RNY patients who report the same wonderful phenomenon. I wish you the same great fortune!
   — Diana T.

June 18, 2001
I didn't have IBS but I had the symptoms and saw a Gastroenterologist and after a endoscopy I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease (allergy to wheat and gluten) which has the same symptoms as IBS. This puts me at a 40% greater chance of developing cancer of the small intestines if it goes untreated. Fortunately the only treatment is avoidance of foods which have wheat or modified food starch (which is a lot of foods). But I have found it very easy to do. My first surgeon cancelled my surgery the day before it was scheduled because he'd never had a patient with Celiac Disease who wanted WLS. I was blessed to find Dr. Elariny who would do WLS on me as long as my GI doctor said it was okay. Going for surgery finally on July 16th. Perhaps you should see a GI doc and have endoscopy to rule out Celiac Disease which is quite prevelant but underdiagnosed. Good luck.
   — Laurie W.

June 18, 2001
I had had horrible IBS for the pasrt 2 years. I read many people who have had the surgery had no smptoms afterwards. My life is so much better now, but I am only 2 months post-op. As I intraduce new foods into my diet I can see what really bothers me. I have some indigestion now and then, but nothing like before!!!! YEEEHAAAAAA :)
   — KATIE B.

June 18, 2001
I had IBS before this surgery and long before I even considered this surgery. I had every type of GI test that can be given to determine what was wrong with me, and IBS was finally diagnosed. Since surgery I have not had IBS at all. The surgery seems to have helped eliminate the IBS. Good luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

June 20, 2001
I've had IBS for maybe two years. No problem getting approval. Didn't seem to be an issue. My IBS is really irritated by sugar consumption, so I'm guessing it'll be much less of a problem post-op!
   — Alicia B.

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