Do I need someone to be home with me when I get back from surgery?

My bipass surgery date is July 6th, 2009. I'm very excited and just a little nervous about it. I live with my girlfriend and she's having a hard time getting off work for the week of my surgery. She has a 8-4pm job and would be home by 5. My mother offered to have me stay with her because my stepdad is out of work and offered to take care of me. Is this necessary? or will i be alright on my own until my girlfriend gets home?    — hleibowitz87 (posted on June 9, 2009)

June 9, 2009
My experience was that I really NEEDED my husband there with me. There was a chance he wouldn't be able to, so my daughter would have filled in. I'm 6 weeks out and I would NOT have been able to be alone. I'm sure there are others who will disagree....but you aren't in the hospital long...I was there 15 hours after surgery, then released. If you can do it, accept the help that you can get.
   — Bev B.

June 9, 2009
I had laproscopic lap band, and although I thought I wouldn't need anyone, I really, really did. You don't realize how much you use your abdominal muscles until it hurts to use them. For me, little things like getting up from a couch, reaching to get something, carrying something to around all required some help. And don't even think about picking up something that you dropped on the floor...ouch! I am so glad my mom "forced" me into inviting her to stay with me for surgery and in the week after.
   — ads2e

June 9, 2009
I came home the day after lap RNY and although my husband was there I could have done it without him. My bed is high, so when I needed to get up I just rolled off, holding a pillow to my stomach. I had made broth and stocked up on SF jelly and popsicles beforehand, so it was a snap heating them up for myself. I felt great the first day in the hospital, a little queasy the day I came home, and just very sore the next couple of days. But not so sore I couldn't more. Slept alot and watched tv, and slept some more. I would think you'd be fine during the day, especially if someone was coming in at dinnertime and being there during the night. You will need someone to drive you home, though.
   — buckscountybabe

June 9, 2009
I had Lap-Band on May 28th. Having two young children at home and a puppy that still needs to go out in the middle of the night, I made sure that I had someone home with me for 5 days and I'm glad I did. You may be able to try and make sure that you have things within your reach so that you do not have to stretch. Be sure to keep a pillow nearby for your belly, as you'd be amazed at how much cradling it can help. Also, if something falls on the floor... you may as well forget it there for a week or so unless someone can pick it up for you! Best of luck to you and wishing you a smooth surgery and recovery!
   — HollyHolly13

June 9, 2009
I had my RNY sugery 2 months ago, i was able to do for my self but each person is different. I havee noone to help me, but if you do then except the help, if nothing else just for the company
   — gogirl1960

June 9, 2009
I was alone the day I got home and there after for my lap RNY. I think it forced me to get up and move even though I didn't want to. Good luck to you.
   — shackett0426

June 9, 2009
Congrats on your upcoming surgery. I had RNY a little over two years ago, but I had a tummy tuck three weeks ago. I say "Don't turn down any help". You may or may not need it, but the first few days are nice to have someone help just in case.You may sleep alot thru out the day and by the time your girlfriend comes home in the evening, you can use her help. You may want to bathe in the evening,when some one is there. Long story short...Take the help for at least the first few days. In a week or so,if you can do things on your own, then so be it.Stairs are a task. Accept the help,and just offer to return the favor when you are more energetic and thin!! Best of luck to you on this wonderful journey.
   — purnellj

June 9, 2009
Thanks for asking this question because I will be having my RNY on June29th. See you on the losers bench we can share story's . Theresa L
   — treeeza

June 9, 2009
I had RNY 6/3 and couldn't have had a better experience. When I came home I had my husband and my sister came for 2 days but I honestly feel I could have done everything myself. Getting in/out of bed and up/down from couch hurt some but nothing I couldn't stand by a long shot. Having said that, we're all different so if help can be there don't say no. Good luck
   — Kathleen F.

June 9, 2009
I had RNY on Monday, March 2. I was doing so well in the hospital that I went home Wednesday morning. I could have driven myself home, I felt that good. Of course, your stomach is going to be sore for a few days, and it was a little tender when getting up and down, but the only reason I needed any help was because I got an infection at the incision site where my JP drain was, and it was hard to change the dressings with my breast in the way. So, having my partner there to help me clean the yucky stuff away and put new dressings on was very nice. She didn't actually do any cooking for me or anything, because we bought and fixed everything I would need before I left to have the surgery. Although I really could have done all this myself, I say, if you have the chance to have someone with you... take it.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

June 9, 2009
I think everyone's needs are different. I had lapband surgery on 8/4/08. A friend brought me home and was in the building if I needed help. As I recall I slept a lot and mostly stayed in my apartment. She called or stopped by once or twice a day and I was fine. After three or four days I was back to my normal routine. Marti in San Jose
   — Marti P.

June 9, 2009
I also had a very easy surgery and recovery experience, but it was very comforting to be comforted :o) I have two dogs and couldn't bend well to fill their food etc. It was really nice to have Mom there for a week. I got really used to being taken care of. Plus, it was nice to have someone there to remind me to get up and walk, get me things, etc. Not a necessity probably, but a nicety.
   — opheliafl

June 9, 2009
I highly recommend having someone with you for a few days after surgery. I didn't need a lot physically, but I was so sad. I was thankful to have people with me. I'm a mommy and I know it would be my pleasure to be with my daughter. Let your mama bless you. Good luck.
   — gouldsfiya

June 10, 2009
You should plan on getting someone for the first few days...If you don't need them, you can send them home...but if you do need someone, you at least have someone scheduled to be there for you...You might go in for Lap RNY and end up needing OPEN RNY...or extra surgery to remove a gallbladder....fix a hernia... etc... etc! Then finding someone at the last minute might be harder to do... Plus everyone's pain tolerance is MUCH different. So plan on help just in case!
   — .Anita R.

June 10, 2009
I really needed help when taking a shower which I took the first day I got home. If you can not do much while alone you may be ok but having someone there to help is always a blessing. I hope you have great success.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

June 10, 2009
I had RNY Laproscopically done. I came home and had support. My mom was in for out of state and my husband when he was off work. I did all of the laundry before I went in, had the housekeeper come and had surgery. I got home and although I could of done things on my own - it was nice to have someone there to wait on you and kick you in the butt to walk, etc. My husband did all of the lifting, he would even pick up our 15lb cat and put him in my lap. It was sort of fun. I would milk as much as you can. I did and it was great to have two weeks off and to have my family fawn over me. Could I have done everything when I got home - with the exception of lifting things - I could do everything myself. Good luck.
   — jammerz

June 10, 2009
hi my name is sandy you should have someone with you to make sure your going to be ok for the frist week after that make sure you have someone that is close you can call in case you need them by the way congrats on your surgey good luck sandy
   — sandy fairweather

June 11, 2009
It would really be best if someone was with you. You'll still be in pain and my need someone to make your drinks and help you get up and down. Good luck and God Bless you
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 15, 2009
I am one of those do it yourself people, but I do not know what I would have done without my husband this week. I had my surgery on Thursday, June 11. He stayed at the hospital with me, he has been here to get things, reach for things, prop my pillows, help me up, steady my walk, fix me a drink, hes just been wonderful. I really do not know what I could have done without him. He made things so much easier. I advise you to have someone there at least the first two to three days.
   — Nikole G.

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