What are your expectations of RNY th first few weeks after surgery?

This is a question that is on my intake form. I have done all my research for over two years,and I am more ready than ever, But for some reason I am drawing a blank.Does anyone have any advice?    — MARIA P. (posted on June 2, 2009)

June 3, 2009
I'm 5 weeks out and I would answer it this way... I expect it to be a trying and difficult period. I understand the seriousness of this major surgery. I also know that I am strong, and I will perservere, and keep my focus on the big picture. Hope this certainly sums up what this has been like for me thus far. All the best to you. Bev
   — Bev B.

June 3, 2009
HI I had my surgery 2/19/09. The first week you can expect to have some pain from the surgery. I always tell my friends if felt like you did way to many situps and you inside is sore. You may also have some pain from gas buildup. I gained 15lbs from the liquid they gave me during my RNY. The more you walk the faster the gas and liquid bloating will go away. It will be irritating to walk though. I started to feel a lot better at about 10 days out. There still was pain but very minor. I, like many other people who had the RNY, had a very hard time sleeping the first 2 months after surgery. I was tired all the time but could not sleep very well at night without meds. The other thing is that because you are not consuming very many calories you tend to feel weak and tired a lot. This makes it very hard to exercise. I actually had to go back to the hospital to get fluids and nutrition in me a couple times. If I don't have enough calories or liquid I tend to feel like I'm goind to faint. I've also developed Kidney Stones, which is a side effect of gastric bypass. Those are not fun!!! Eating is hard and after the liquid phase many things will probably make you sick. I've gottan used to vomiting. It's been a long hard road but I've lost 65lbs since Feb. Everyone says I look great and I feel better about myself. It was worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
   — alojah82

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