Never been a big drinker - 64 ounces will DROWN me!

Hello all... I've never been a big drinker, unless it was coffee. I drink maybe a cup of water with my vitamins and other morning meds, force in two 16 ounce cups of tangerine zinger tea at work, and have maybe another cup of water at night with my evening meds. Throughout the night, if I'm wakeful, I might drink another 8 ounces.... but cannot imagine having to drink 64 or more ounces of ANTHING. I've never had a problem with dehydration up till now, no matter what diet I've been on, or how much or how little I was eating.... what makes this so different?    — Erica Alikchihoo (posted on January 12, 2009)

January 12, 2009
Well, part of the reason is to help your body heal after surgery it's very important to drink that much water. You will have to make a concentrated effort to make it! The other reason is the high protein diet you will eventually be on, it's not good for your kidney's to have a lot of protein 65 to 70 grams a day and not have plenty of fluid along with it. Some people buy those little packets of crystal light to put in their water to help it go down easier, they come in all flavors. Good luck with your surgery. Carole M
   — carolem

January 12, 2009
Erica, Don't let the number itself scare you... If you add up what you already drink, at minimum you are already consuming at least 40 ounces a day. You can do it! Another 24 ounces will be easier than you think. :-)
   — Elizabeth J.

January 12, 2009
I was not a big water drinker myself...but in addition to the other responses, new Post Ops especially, need A LOT of water to flush out the fat that they are losing faster...With the malabsorptions of fats and all the vits and protein we take, you really need to flush it all out and stay hyrated too..It's good for all your organs including the largest of all our organs, our SKIN! I have a harder time drinking in the winter...but summer I can drink it and over with no trouble...I carry around a LARGE glass of water everywhere...My husband laughed because the new car we bought had to have a cup holder that held a large glass or I wouldn't let him buy it! LOL You get used to drinking a lot and after a while you don't even seem to have to go every 10 minutes after a some time! It's not bad...I try not to drink too late or I will wake to pee in the middle of the night...I hate that! If your urine runs clear you are doing fine! If it's heavily concentrated...just drink...That's basically how you know for sure that you are drinking enough...64 oz is just a suggestion...Your body will show you! It takes a lot to flush those B vits out too...They are neon!
   — .Anita R.

January 12, 2009
I am not a big drinker either, especially water. BUT, i decided that i was going to have to getthe water in one way or another( i am still preop) I like what was said about don't do the number thing, it will get you down. I fill up a pitcher in the morning of what my water intake needs to be. I thought OH MY never will i do that, Then I just fill up my glass through out the day.When i break it down, it really doesn't seem that big. If i look at the pitcher it look ginormas!!!If i drink something that counts for water, well then i pour that much out of the pitcher. Basically i have to psych my self out.4smaller glasses of water seem so much easier then the bigpitcher full. Basically i drink 4 water bottles full of water a day.( the 16.9 oz size) for some reason that doesn;t seem as bad as the 64 ounces sounds. YOU can do it. Beleive me, If i can get it down anyone can- I truely am not a drinker at all. best of luck on your weight loss journey! And God Bless. Hugs Cora Shrum
   — jnclshrum

January 12, 2009
I am the same way - never been a big drinker, especially water - its always iced tea for me! I found that if I use a straw, I drink more, and I found these great water bottles at LL Bean that have straws. I think they are manufactured by Camelbak. They also have lines on the side to measure what you are drinking. They are so easy and convenient that I found when I use them I drink more throught the day because I can carry them with me everywhere I go! I also started making decaffeinated tea and I drink about 32 ounces of that a day - add splenda, and I feel like I'm drinking real tea. I don't get in 64 ounces a day - I feel like I'd float away if I did. I get in about 40 a day, and as long as my pee isn't too dark, I'm getting what my body needs.
   — Ursie77

January 12, 2009
There's a great book you might consider taking a look at. Go to the library, or thumb through it next time you're at a book store. It's called 'Your Body's Many Cries for Water' "You're not sick; you're thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication." It was written by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. It's a real eye-opener, and may explain that you WERE in fact dehydrated before, you just didn't know it.
   — Ruth Shapovalov

January 13, 2009
The foods we eat have water in them. Non-ops get some of their daily water requirement from the food they eat. We, WLS patients, can no longer take in massive amounts of food so there is not much water being derived from our dietarry intake. This is why we must drink 64 oz of fluid everyday. When drinking caffinated beverages, you must drink an equal amount of water so they cancel eachother out. Neither the caffinated beverage nor the water you drink to cancel it out count toward your daily intake of fluid. I too struggle with fluid intake and suffer from severly dry and chapped skin, dizzy spells when making quick movements and fatigue. My rare cup of coffee is decaf, as well as my tea. I find it easier to drink flavored fluids than plain water. When I do drink water, i squeeze some feresh lemon in it and put ice in it. That makes me able to drink it. Pre-op, I was a big water drinker, probably cos I could still chug-a-lug it. I miss guzzling it and wish I still could. It would be so much easier to get my water in that way. Just keep trying to get in a little more each day. You can work yourself up to the requirement.
   — ImanAbdulaziz

January 13, 2009
I think the biggest difference is volume of food. Normally, we get a significant portion of our daily fluid intake from food we eat. After WLS, you are eating much less, thus you are consuming much less fluids. Also, I think that part of it has to do with getting used to eating less... it'll make you feel full and give you something to focus on other than food. I think this would be a great question to ask your doctor. :)
   — mrsidknee

January 14, 2009
Hi Erica. Just a quick doesn't have to be water. you need 64 ounces of liquids. That could be jello, broth, v-8 juice, protein shakes, milk, etc...but coffee is a diuretic, and I wouldn't advise that. Good luck to you! hugs, kim
   — gpcmist

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