medifast oatmeal DISGUSTING :( :( :( HELP!

I love oatmeal, so when my doctor said I had to do Medifast until my surgery date (6/2) I chose several packets of oatmeal. Which I now find is barely related to oatmeal and is causing me to gag. If it is thick, it's like eating pablum. If it is thin, it looks and smells like sausage gravy gone bad. Plus, it has a bitter aftertaste. I've tried adding Splenda, and adding cinnamon. That barely makes an improvement. I'm allowed to add anything calorie free, essentially. HELP!!!!    — abeeba (posted on May 15, 2008)

May 14, 2008
Hi My name is Ed Keller, I'm a Health Coach with Medifast. Some people just don't like the oatmeal. When I first got on the program I couldn't stand the oatmeal, either. Now I have it every morning. I find the best way to cook the oatmeal is to microwave it 30 seconds at a time until it comes to a boil, stiring in between the 30 second shots. You can add a splenda, but I've found that Sweet-N-Low works better. Do you have a health coach? There are a lot of tips and tricks to making medifast work for you that a health coach can give you. There is no charge for a health coach. You can contact me at My telephone numbers are listed there. Ed Keller Health Advisor Acadiana Life Change
   — AcadianaLifeChange

May 15, 2008
I had RNY two years ago. I'm eating the 1 minute cooked type of oatmeal now, and do so every morning. I add Stevia--a natural herbal sweetener--instead of any synthetic sugar replacements. No calories, and adds sweeter taste--but be careful, this stuff is rich, so don't add a heaping spoonful, or it will probably be too sweet. I use one level tsp per cup, and that's enough for me. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

May 15, 2008
Do you have to eat Medifast. Can you eat baby oatmeal with splenda. It is real oatmeal and instant.
   — Truckrlady61

May 15, 2008
I didnt do the Medifast so I dont know how it works,,,,but after my surgery I was able to do CreamOf WHeat..used to HATE that stuff but now...I love it. Make it add a bit of splenda and a touch of milk and you have an awesome meal. I wish you the best , keep your chin up and above all else GOD BLESS YOU !!! One more thing if you wanna chat about it I am on AOL so contact me at..... [email protected] Take Care
   — J. Lambert

May 15, 2008
I had RYN 2 months ago and I found Strurn's Whole Grain Oatmeal at WalMart. It is very good and has 1 gr of sugar even with fruit added. I have tried the blueberry and cranberry they are both very good.
   — KajunMomX3

May 16, 2008
Hi.....I like to fix oatmeal like the package says and then add just a half teasp. brown sugar splenda and a PINCH of pumkin spice....try that....*smile* tastes pretty good!
   — LindaA

May 18, 2008
Try adding some sugar free instant hot cocoa mix. Then it tastes like the no-bake cookies.
   — ntssmith

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