Psycologist is requiring me to follow up and get a letter from therapist that i'm wor

king on eating issues. Realizte thats important but still feel embarassed and"crazy." Have lost 10lbs and exercising since last visit. My insurance chanes in January. Should I be worried is this normal.    — Jodie T. (posted on August 30, 2007)

August 30, 2007
I had to do the same thing.. it was not a big deal. to me it was more like a waste of money. Nothing can be accomplished in 2 -1 hour visits.. except her getting 450.00 from my pocket.. but it was worth it.. cynthia 7-11-07 ryn
   — babesintoyland

August 30, 2007
I think this is normal for most work ups. The doctors and nutritionist want to make sure you know what you are doing is for you own health not for some other motive - like be skinny - god forbid - Their concer is that we follow their instructions to a "T" so they have to have all parts of us checked out. Don't worry about it - I too think it's worth the couple of hours you spend with them - just be yourself. Nanajane
   — NanaJane

August 31, 2007
I don't think any of us should feel embarassed or crazy because we may need to see a therapist for counseling. To me its like this: if I have cancer and the surgeon removed the tumor, and then highly recommended chemotherapy I would do it! Surgeons can only work on us physically, and sometimes we just need additional treatment to "get at" anything that could sabotage our lifelong journey to live a healthier life. I hope this helps! ~Barb
   — bferrari

September 2, 2007
Please don't feel embarrassed and I can assure you that are not crazy. I think talking about and getting help with eating issue is probably one of the more sane things you can do. Those of us who are obese tend to get this way because we have a poor/inappropriate relationship with food. If it helps, think of it as though it was "physical therapy." When you have an orthopedic surgery, physical therapy is usually used to help people reduce pain and recover strength... it is done to make sure that the operation has the best chance at being successful and correcting whatever dysfunction it corrects. Don't be worried. It sounds like you have a wise psychologist. Best wishes to you.
   — mrsidknee

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