Dr Dennis Smith,DS,female,pain worse than child birth?

To his female patients who've experienced natural child birth, how would you compare post op pain vs child birth pain?    — lucitelady2345 (posted on December 23, 2006)

December 22, 2006
there is no comparison. natural childbirth is very painful for a short amount of time then you forget what it was like when you see that precious baby. post op pain is different. it lingers,,,,,,that is if you have pain. honestly i can tell you i had NO pain. I had what is called an On-Q Pain soaker in when i woke up and had no pain at all. a little discomfort but that was it. the next day they took that out and i needed nothing for pain at all.. hope this helps. Jan
   — jan0859

December 23, 2006
To me post-op pain was was less than the pain of child birth. Now I am extremely lucky that I had an incredibly easy childbirth ~ with no pain meds too I might add. But I had a very easy recovery from the Lap RNY ~ so compared to the pains of labor ~ the RNY was a walk in the park. Hope this info helps! Pat
   — patgels

December 23, 2006
Holy cow, there was a slight discomfort. I do mean slight. I was up and walking in 4 hours, never have taken a drop of pains med yet and I am less than 2 weeks post op. Feeling great and losing. My IV annoyed me more than my surgery
   — Diane C.

December 23, 2006
i have multiple friends that have had gbs and they all had very little pain. the only pain was with moving, especially bending over, but most of them only took the pain med for a day or two and it wasn't taken often. hope this helps
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 23, 2006
Childbirth was a million times worse. Just my opinion. Had a 10.5 lbs baby naturally the first vaginal birth. I prayed to die.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 23, 2006
My last child was born 22 years ago so it's hard to remember, plus I had 2 vaginal deliveries but I can tell you, I had virtually no post op pain and when I did, I was put on meds immediately! I had a hysterectomy in February and the procedure was done laparoscopically and I felt better after the RNY to the point that I almost felt that I didn't even have surgery! If you are afraid of pain, don't worry! You will probably not have enough to make a difference!
   — Sheri A.

December 24, 2006
Post op pain is not even in the same zip code as childbirth pain! Post op pain may "linger" for a week or so (or at least in my case) but it's more of a discomfort than actual pain. (pain/discomfort lingers after childbirth too, but we are so busy oohing and aahing over our new baby it's easier to overlook). Nope, it's not even close.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 25, 2006
I am one who tends to base anything painful on how it is versus childbirth. Two kids both delivered naturally and both kids good size (8.5 and 9.5lbs) is definitely my barometer for pain LOL! When I had my VBG and Nissan procedure in 97 I can honestly say that pain was far worse than childbirth. I don't know why but I was in horrible pain. The morphine button was clutched in my hand and my mom sat there and cried because even though the morphine made it to where I couldn't keep my eyes open I was in misery and pushing that button incessantly. When I was revised to an RNY in 2000 I was scared it was going to be the same way or possibly worse since it was a revision but it was a walk in the park compared to the VBG or childbirth. There was a lot of soreness but very little true pain. A lot of it will depend on your pain tolerance. Mine is pretty high. Hope this helps.
   — Kellye C.

December 26, 2006
There is no comparison at all. I found natural childbirth to be horrid, and RNY (lap) to be easy. The thing I found hard about surgery was the first couple of months when I was trying to figure out what to eat, when to drink, trying to get in the protien and the water...come to think of it, like learning how to take care of a baby....I would not worry about surgical pain, honestly. Good Luck ! Yvonne
   — yvonne1953

December 26, 2006
Holy cow...for me my open RNY was worse than my two c-sections. That hurt like hell! I told myself in the hospital was stupid for doing the surgery. I don't feel that way now..but I agree with the other person..I had my PCA in my hand the whole time pushing my button every chance I got! I'm almost 2weeks out. I'm finally able to walk around and move.
   — Rebekkah T.

December 26, 2006
Hi, I didnt have natural childbirth, I got an epidural BUT my post op pain was WORSE than my childbirth. My childbirth was relatively easy, I was able to manage my pain well. I had worse pain after RNY than with that or with my gallbladder surgery in 1997. My pain in the hospital was manageable with pain meds but once I got home, I went a few days in a lot of pain in which I had to resume pain meds. I have been without pain now for the last 5 days. Take your pain meds, that is why they are given to you. Dont be like me and try to go without them. Good luck to you.
   — A Q.

December 27, 2006
Child birth is much more pain!!!!!!!
   — Novashannon

December 27, 2006
I had GB and I was in pain with the belly pain pack in the hospital. I stopped taking pain meds 2 days after I got home from the hospital. I also pulled out the 2 six inch plastic tubes that were in my stomach hooked up to the belly pack, since there was no meds in that thing and it stunk. I felt great after I pulled those tubs out. I took a shower a few hours later after taking that pain pack out. I had to lay down because I did get light headed. I called my doctor before I pulled it out to make sure it was ok since my appointment was 5 days later. I washed my hands about 6 times before I pulled it out then I slapped some bandaids on the open holes, they are closed now 3 weeks out.
   — BrendaBoo

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