Does anyone know if your urine smells strong, does that mean anything?

I had RNY Sept 26th. And the past week my urine has a strong smell to it. Sorry for such a graphic question just didn't know where else to turn? Thanks    — twinsplusone (posted on November 20, 2008)

November 20, 2008
just didn't know where else to turn? I would turn to a urologist. That would be a good place to start. Nothing to do with wls as far as I know.
   — SkinnyLynni2B

November 20, 2008
Usually is either a sign of dehydration or a UTI (urinary tract infection). Have you been getting in at least 64 oz water per day? If not, you need to definitely strive for at least that much. Does it burn when you urinate? Do you feel like you have to go often and then only go a little bit? If so, you may have a UTI. Not a graphic question, a very important one. If you increase your fluids and it doesn't get better, I would recommend you seeing your doc. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

November 20, 2008
No probem in asking any question at all this is why we are here. Sorry to see the first anwser kind of rudely. or is that just me. I am not a doctor, I had RNY July at times if I do not drink alot of fluids mine is like that also I think from the vitamins also at times. If you continue to have strong urine then to ease your mind see your pc Doc. Best wishes and if you need to ask any question ask, we are here for each other even just for support. Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

November 20, 2008
I think you should call your PCP or your family doctor. I don't think it is realted to your WLS. You could have a UTI. Please call your doctor in the morning. Best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 20, 2008
Increase your water intake and see if that doesn't help. You should be getting 8-8oz glasses of water daily with this surgery.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 20, 2008
I think it is a perfectly valid question to ask and my vote would be on increasing fluid intake UNLESS you are experiencing signs of a bladder infection or other unpleasantness in that area in which case I would follow up with my PCP. Being a fairly new post-op I'm sure it is still a struggle trying to get a routine of eating and drinking so maybe keep a log of your liquid intake and pump up the water. If that doesn't help then by all means follow up with your PCP or if you start having other symptoms. We are not doctors but there are things that we tend to go through so we can at least share our experiences and trade information. Good luck to you!
   — Kellye C.

November 20, 2008
Usually it is the body burning fat, and the due to the high protein diet (much like the Atkin's diet), you can get a "weird" smell with urinination, breath, or even in the armpits. Keep drinking lots of water to flush the fat cells, and you can follow up with your MD just to be sure.
   — dadebrito

November 20, 2008
Typically, a strong urine odor (almost metalic) is a sign that your body is in ketosis (meaning that you are buring your fat stores at a quick rate). As long as you are maintaining good fluid levels, don't worry about it. Also, for the most part (but not necessarily always), if you have a serious urinary track infection, you'd have some other symptom (back pain, fever, desire to urinate a lot). Being in ketosis is only an issue that needs greater medical investigation if you are a diabetic. Hope this helps.
   — SteveColarossi

November 21, 2008
Dehydration, urinary tract infection, ketosis, vitamins, certain foods (asparagus especially). Increase the amount of water you are drinking... it should help dilute the urine and smell whatever the cause is. If you are having any pain, burning, need to go more often, it may be a UTI. If this is something new, call your doc just to be on the safe side. S/he can decide if you need to be seen to have this evaluated further.
   — mrsidknee

November 21, 2008
Are you drinking Enough? Not enough to drink can cause strong smell. Try it. you'll know if that's the trick with in hour or two. Mary Phenning or Mary From britt
   — Mary P.

November 21, 2008
I agree that you need to be drinking enough fluids. If you are, you will know because your urine will be pale in color, and will not have a strong odor. I have had many uti's over the years and so was convinced that I was having one recently. My urine was dark, smelled funky, and I was starting to have abdominal pain. I went to the doc, urine tested neg for bacteria, and I went home frustrated. I decided to get proactive about it. I got cranberry juice (no sugar added) and mixed it 1/2 and 1/2 with water. While I was drinking, It dawned on me that I had become lax on my clear fluid intake. I think I just got complacent about things. It can be a chore to get everything into my daily regimen. Chin up! You can do this. We already went through the worst part of this journey, now we just have to LIVE ! CHEERS, Colette.
   — freefromfood

November 23, 2008
I had the same issue: strong smelling and dark yellow urine. Call your primary physician. There is a good chance you have a UTI that is a direct result of dehydration. (Yeah, who knew?) I had to get antibiotics and 2 liters of fluid. So, check with your dr soon.
   — sandra17

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