Protein bar suggestions???

Just a little over a month away from surgery (RNY). Per my dietician - identify several protein powders and bars that I like before afterwards I'll have an idea of what to buy. Know I can't eat the bars right away; but would be nice to know what to get afterwards. Also, I ordered some Unjury non-flavored samples. What what I add this to when I am on full liquids? PS> you all have been a GREAT support system. there is so much useful info on this site.    — hatda (posted on December 18, 2007)

December 18, 2007
Don't load up on a large quantity of those items. Many people say their taste buds change after surgery. So if you like the chocolate flavors prior to surgery, you may not like them afterwards. You are supposed to drink and eat at separate times. This is to prevent you from "washing away" any protein you may have eater--let your pouch have a chance to digest the food and get some nutrients out of it.
   — Dave Chambers

December 18, 2007
My suggestion would be to only purchase small samples of a couple things. Your tastes WILL change after surgery. This has been very difficult for me and I have a lot of protein powder just sitting around. I hope my tastes change back ...
   — Cindy E.

December 18, 2007
Try Unjury Chocolet Shake mix with 6-8 Oz of Skim or 1% Milk. Add just 3-4 ice curbes and run in your blender for 2 minutes. It is the one that I can keep down and still enjoy. Test a few things but don't stock up. Other than maybv the shake. Unflavored has not worked out well for me following surgery as you can not realy get it over about 120 degrees.
   — William (Bill) wmil

December 18, 2007
Good luck! Be very careful about stocking up on that stuff you like before surgery-- tastes often change as does tolerance. I bought 3 containers of body fortress protein powder, and couldn't tolerate it after 2 weeks. So thank God someone on here told me about Anywhey tasteless protein powder from GNC. That is very tolerable and can be added to most anything hot or cold. I could only to the protein bars about 2 times after surgery. ICK, and they are usually too big to eat at one sitting so be very careful! Also realize WHEY protein is what our bodies absorb best after surgery. Most of the liquid protein's and protein bullets are not whey. Good luck, God bless and see you on the losing side!
   — crystalsno

December 18, 2007
Everyone is right about your "taste" will change. It will go back to normal, but it does take time. Non-flavored sould be good. You can add the flavor to "shakes" using frozen fruit, no sugar added chocolate syrup, yogurts, etc. As far as protein bars, some are pretty yucky, but I found "South Beach" brands to be fairly good and easy to access in the stores. "Quaker" used to make one, but I can find it no more! Watch the sugars in the protein bars and some of the sizes are quite differant! And the "South Beach" bars (and some others) you can buy individually in stores like Wal Mart, etc. Please remember your "taste" will change, I found my sense of "taste" and "smell" to be quite INTENSE after surgery. (Crystal Light, that I loved before was WAY TOO SWEET after!) You sound like you are doing all the research now and will be just fine afterwards, Good Luck!
   — Toni Todd

December 19, 2007
My favorite drink (or shall I say least offensive haha) is Muscle Milk premixed drinks, the light version is also good. The regular has 22g of protein and the light has 20g. Early on you may prefer the smaller size of the light, who wants to drink that stuff all day? As far as bars I really like the Pure Protein bars. You can find them at Walmart, Sam's, and Meijers. They are pretty cheap, small, and taste pretty good(my faves are chocolate peanutbutter and double chocolate). As others have said don't stock up to much. I don't think I could even smell the stuff I had before surgery without wanting to gag. Best of luck to you!
   — tazthewiz23

December 20, 2007
Any of these are what I use: 1.) Champion ProScore 100 choco + 8 oz water + ice, blended (hand blender or Magic Bullet). 2.) Champion Pure Whey Stack choco + 6-8 oz water, shaken. 3.) IDS vanilla-cinnamon + "glop" of DaVinci sugar free caramel sauce + 8 oz water + ice, blended. 4.) the PWS chco + the van-cin (50/50) in about 10 oz hot water, stirred or hand blender. Lately I've been adding a shake of cinnamon to my hot ones since cinnamon fights belly fat. I always put 1 scoop of UpCal D powder in (500mg calcium citrate, 250 IU of vit D3). I'd recommend buying samples of proteins before surgery, save a few to use after. Or as I say, "date 'em before you marry 'em"
   — vitalady

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