I had a leak following my surgery and was in the hospital for 22 days,

Just wanted to know if someone else went through the same thing?    — slickrick (posted on June 17, 2006)

June 17, 2006
I had a leak 9 days post-op. I had to have a second surgery to remove the necrotic tissue around the juncture of the small intestine/gastric pouch. reattach and clean up the matter that leaked. I had peritonits and spent a week post-op on three IV antibiotics (round the clock--finish one---they would hang a bag for the next one in the series) I had two JP drains again and also had a gastric tube for hydration and nutrition. They wanted NOTHING in the repaired pouch for a week, and also wanted to make sure that I supplemented via the g-tube. Both the original and repair surgery were done LAP. The surgeon used the same incisions the second time as he did the first, as they really had not healed yet.
   — sandyfeets

June 18, 2006
Barbara Thompson who wrote the WLS book finding the thin person inside me had a leak. She is doing wonderful today some 6 years post op
   — bob-haller

June 19, 2006
I had surgery 3-29-05 and I too had a leak. I spent a month in the hospital after emergency surgery to repair the leak. With nothing to eat or drink for that month. I was fed through a tube in my stomach for that month and two months after coming home.It took me a good 8 months before I felt human again, got my strength back. I had a hard time eating and still do, no problem with soft stuff but protein I can't do. So I live on protein drinks and protein pudding. I do eat salad and fruit now but it has just been the last few months that I have started. But have lost 195lbs. I was very upset about the leak and for about 6 months I would not have had the surgery if I had known what could happen to me. But now at almost 15 months out I would do it again! Just take it slow and do what you should and you will be fine. The hard part is over now.
   — Louise P.

June 21, 2006
For some of the veteran posters, they will know that I am the "poster child" of leaks and complications (smile). Yes, seven days out they not only discovered the leak, I had blood clots in both lungs and almost died. My leak caused me to be hospitalized for 60 total days and I wasn't allowed to each or drink for 51 days (not even ice chips). This was a very "low" period of my weight loss story. I too spent many days looking out of my hospital window wishing I never had this surgery. I have had many more complications, still on narcotic pain medication therapy and my life has been forever changed. There is life after the leak, you will be spiritually strengthened after it as it took every thing I had inside to get through the ordeal. You are welcome to contact me and I can give you all the information you want, answer any questions you may have. I feel that information is what is the best tool to overcoming complications, as I was clueless to them until they all hit me days after my surgery. Good Luck.
   — lindabaptiste619

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