Does drinking protein really count?

I drink almost 50% of my protein intake using Unjury in Crystal Light. I have the haor loss going on and I want to up my protein. Can I just drink 100g of protein a day and have it count? It seems weird too think drinking a simi-clear liquid actually provide nutrients to my body, but I just can't eat any more food then I already do! Anyone know for sure?    — lynnredboy (posted on March 19, 2010)

March 19, 2010
You WILL be intaking more Protein with each Shake. But you'll also be taking in Calories with each Shake too. These Protein Shakes DO NOT count toward your intake of Zero Calorie Beverages each day. The problem with Shakes is that they are fluids, Which flow right through. Only sustaining the "Full Effect" for a little while that would last much longer if you had eaten something of a solid like chicken, etc. NOTE: Our bodies will only absorb 32 grams of Protein every 3 Hours. - So you could drink more as most protein shakes are about 22 grams of protein to reach that 32 mark BUT is it worth the EXTRA CALORIES. The good thing is they are available for a quick fix if your on the busy going here & there.
   — Michael Eak

March 19, 2010
For Hair Loss take Biotin 1000mg with only 50mg of Zinc. The Zinc helps our bodies absorb the Biotin. But take NO MORE than 50mg of zinc at one time as it could burn into the inner wall of your stomach/pouch.
   — Michael Eak

March 19, 2010
Hi, I must supplement with protein shakes, and as Michael stated you can only absorb a certain amount of protein at a time. I am seven months out and still is having major problems with eating protein, I barf or get very ill when I eat meat.
   — FSUMom

March 19, 2010
To answer your initial question; Yes, drinking protein counts but it isn't the best choice because most of it is going to flow thru before your system can absorb it simply because of its liquid state. Unless there is reason for you to be on mostly liquids you should be trying new foods (solids) by slowly adding back healthy and nutritious sources from each food group. We all sympathize with the all-we-can-hold situation but you can always add the Unjury to soft foods to boost that food's protein count. You will find as you progress that your pouch will wake up and the sensation of hunger will return to some extent. You need solids to keep you feeling satiated as well as optimizing the absorption of nutrients which also occurs in the stomach pouch. That's another reason why we don't drink for at least 30 minutes after eating. Liquids pass thru very quickly so you 1) aren't absorbing as much as you do with a solid food and 2) you will become hungry sooner. As far as the hairloss, be assured that this is normal at this stage. For most of us it starts at 3 months out and will go on for about 3 more months. You will notice around 6-7 months hundreds of new little sprouts coming in. Biotin won't hurt you but don't count on it to re-grow your hair. The whole hairloss effect is more from the shock to your system from the surgery and the resulting dramatic nutritional changes. Here's an article that explains it: Hang in there. That pouch will continue to heal and as it does it actually grows in size somewhat. Just be sure to weight and/or measure your foods so you learn to judge what is an appropriate portion. My surgeon's plan says we aren't to ever exceed 1 cup total volume of dense foods. Soups are up to 1-1/2 cups. Following this rule helps to minimize the likelihood of stretching the pouch.
   — Arkin10

March 19, 2010
The above answers are incorrect. The only reason that you do not absorb all of the protein would be the malabsorption from the DS or RNY surgery. You do not absorb all the protein from any food. Chicken or protein shake, it doesn't matter. The protein doesn't 'go right through you' if it is in liquid form. You can get 100% of your protein from liquid, if you want. Isopure has drinks which have 40 grams of protein and 160 calories. They cost around $4 when I have gotten them. It is a myth that you will not absorb the protein if you have too large of an intake at a time. You will not absorb the protein from anything completely due to your surgery. Thats why it is so important to get enough protein daily. If you want, you can re-post this on the Main Board of the Forum with the title 'Asking Andrea'. She is the expert on nutrition here.
   — MargaretHM

March 19, 2010
Im confused... she isn't asking about protien SHAKES. She's asking about the Unjury in her Crystal Light. There isn't any carbs or anything in the Unjury is there? I am not familiar with the Unjury. I am however familiar with Crystal Light as I drink it all day. And it only has 5 calories per serving so I don't think you would be taking in all those calories as they are stating. However, the difference with eating it vs drinking it is if ou eat it you will stay full LONGER. Where as when you drink it you don't get that lasing full feeling. But I agree no matter if you are eating it or drinking it your body is not absorbing 100% of the protien due to your surgery. If you are still questioning this... you should contact your nut. Best of Luck. I too feel like I can not EAT all my protiens b/c I am just too full and do not want to over eat.
   — callen3640

March 20, 2010
I sure would have hoped so, I was on liquid protein 3 weeks after surgery (Sleeve) on July of 08, I did very well, as I couldn't do anything else as it would gag me, it was called Protidiet and I mixed with with water, comes in alot of flavors. I am down 122 pounds, and my lab work is excellent every 6 months. Best of luck to you!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 20, 2010
Hi I have added hemp hearts to my diet as I too was finding it diffcult to eat meat I mix 4 tbls of hemp hearts with a small yogurt and berries for breakfast depending on the amt of protein in my yogurt usally 4 grams plus the hemp hearts my average breakfast has approx 29 grams of protein I am for for 30 grams if I can each meal.
   — Figler5

March 22, 2010
Hair loss is normal. mine lasted two months. Biotin really does help the hair regrow and come in healthy. Adding protien is fine. It will help your body and it is aborbed well in the liquid form. every gram of protien is 9 claories. So if you use the crystal light and add no additional calories you should be fine. If you have a problem with meats, beans and nuts are good choices for protien in a solid food form. You will want to try to get to a point you get your protien from food. The suppliments are great to start but really should only be used for the first year or so.
   — trible

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