Questions about the Psychiatric Evaluation

Hello, I'm 23 years old and am planning on starting the process of WLS as soon as I'm insured. I was wondering if any of you could tell me about the Psychiatric Evaluation you had to go through - what is the therapist looking for? What kinds of questions do they ask? I have never seen a therapist before and would just like to be prepared. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks! ~Kristin    — kjoy (posted on April 1, 2006)

April 1, 2006
The evaluation isn't something you can really be prepared for. There are a few small tests and one large one. It asks about your past and eating habits and what not. Just be truthful to everything on there. I am 23 and had my surgery in August and this has been the biggest emotional rollercoaster I have ever been through. Just be truthful and remember that your psychiatrist is there for you. Malena 329/208/160
   — *Malena* M.

April 1, 2006
Hi Kristen, Each Psych Eval is completely different due to the fact that the therapist is interested in evaluating you as a person. He/she will ask you the questions that he/she feels is pertinent to your session. What you want to do is go into the appointment clear headed and answer the questions that the person asks you as honestly as possible. I truly hope this helps.
   — Tiff's On a Mission

April 1, 2006
I was already under a psyciatrist's care when I decided to have the surgery so he was able to fill out the paperwork w/o putting me through a lot of extra questions. I do know that my friends have said to never, ever say you are doing it to look better. This is a definite turnoff to insurance companies. You need to say you want to be healthier, live longer, be able to do things that you can no longer do because of the extra weight. Stop & think about each question as you are asked. You will do fine...good luck.
   — juju524

April 1, 2006
Don't volunteer any extra info! Truthfull is ok, but be carefull what you say.
   — Danmark

April 1, 2006
Thanks everyone for your answers. I wasn't so concerned about convincing the therapist... I want this surgery for all the right reasons and have done very extensive research on all of my options. I was more wondering about the emotional aspect of it... are they going to dig into my private life and try to figure out what makes me tick? Or will the line of questioning and conversation stay weight loss related? Does it feel casual or like an interrogation? Thanks again. :) ~Kristin
   — kjoy

April 2, 2006
I think it depends on the therapist. I was very apprehensive; especially since the doctor seemed very haughty and did not appear to have a good "bedside" manner. I was quite wrong. He wasn't warm and fuzzy, but he was very professional and kept his line of questioning to my general mental wellbeing as it related to WLS, or surgery of any type. I went in very wary, and came out feeling good. I hope this helps.
   — Jeanie

April 2, 2006
Hi Kristen! I am in the same boat as you are and I thought I was the only one wondering about this psych eval!!!!!!!!Thanks for posting this question! It made me feel a lot better about my apprehensions! I go for my eval next week! Good luck with yours!
   — mgreen

April 2, 2006
I had never been to a psychiatrist before, so I was nervous also. All he did was ask about how my weight has affected my life. One of my things was that I was always the "friend" when it came to boys through high school. I think that affected me a lot. The psychiatrist is just looking for truthful answers to his questions. Tell the truth and you will be just fine!!!
   — Renee J.

April 3, 2006
Hi Kristin, I had a psych eval last May. He was a QUACK! he kept me for 3.5 hrs in his office! I was so PISSED OFF. but I kept it together. He was against WLS from the get-go. I should have walked out! I had to keep him in line.....questioning me about my childhood but nothing about what I was really there for. Anyway, because of this QUACK, I have to get a updated eval. Mine is tomorrow. She comes very highly recommended by the WLS support group I go to. I know I will go in and just be honest with her. This is ALL my ins. co needs before they will OK the surgery. Hurray. I am almost there. Good luck Kristin.
   — lynnie

April 6, 2006
Kristin The one I saw was recommended by the surgeon I am going to about the surgery. When I went for my psyc evaluation last week, I spent about 20 minutes answering questions face to face about why i wanted the surgery (for better health), any health issues in my family (mother, father, siblings), any mental issues in my family. Did I know which procedure I wanted to have done and why (which I told him I was not sure yet on the RNY or the Fobi). Then he had me go in a room (by myself) and take a few test on a computer. The first one i believe was 165 questions and they ask questions over two or three times just asked differently. The second test is around i believe 560+ questions and it is over and over basically the same questions, and it will ask you questions, like I wanted to be an artist when I grew up true or false. It will ask you questions about going places but you made up excuses because you were uncomforted (about your weight) to go true or false. It will ask you about joint pain, it will ask you questions about hearing voices, voices in your head telling you to do things. Things like this Hope that helped. Oh by the way I have never been to one either and he could tell I was nervous.
   — W. Wait

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