questions about pre-op liquid diet

ok have been told i have to do 2-3 weeks of partial liquid diet prior to surgery for the liver but the nutritionist there told me to do the boost glucose to lose the weight. why would she want me to do the one with so many sugars? wouldnt i be better off drinking the ones without sugars to lose the weight? so scared i wont get to where they need me to have surgery done in 5 weeks. any help is appreciated. thanks =)    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 21, 2010)

January 21, 2010
I am on the preop liquid diet. I am having a meal supplement Optifast which is very satisfying. Listen to what your doctor wants. No sugar or fats. Take a deep breath and get on with it. My surgery is Jan 27th so I have 5 more days of this special diet. Not a bit hungry. The doctor wants to lose weight prior to shrink the liver because the stomach is under the liver and he doesn't want to nick it. So I was told. Hope this helps. Bonnie
   — reallady

January 21, 2010
I had the sleeve procedure 8 days ago and had to be on a clear liquid diet for only 2 days pre op. I was told everything needed to be sugar free and caffeine free. I ate sugar free jello and drank diet gingerale and water. Every surgery and every surgeon is different so I would follow what your own dr/nutritionist tells you. Good Luck!
   — kirbgo

January 21, 2010
You'll do what your Surgeon Recommends for the Pre-op Regime NOT the Nutritionist.
   — Michael Eak

January 22, 2010
sugar free everything is the way to go, and no carbonation, get your body used to it now... sugar free popsicles help the crunch problem and they are great! I did 2 weeks liquid pre-op... there are plenty of options for you to try! You will do great!
   — MarthaJ0110

January 22, 2010
My nutrionist and surgeon work together and I was also instructed to use boost, glucerna, slim fast for meal replacement shakes and to eat a low fat, low carb for one meal. So, I wouldn't worry too much as long as you are doing what they tell you.
   — Rita J.

January 22, 2010
Follow your surgeon's rules!!! I was actually on 10 days of Carnation Instant Breakfast drinks and nothing else. The sugar doesn't matter so much before the surgery. After surgery, it doesn, but right now, it's about cutting calories, and I think most of them have pretty similar calories. With the milk and instant breakfast, I think it was 230 calories total 5-6 times/day, which is around 1200 calories/day. I lost 13 lbs in 10 days.
   — Melissa C.

January 23, 2010
I was also told this, but my surgeon preferred the ones with less sugar like Adkins shakes, they also had more protein in them than the Boost, the less sugar the better, but try to keep up with the proteins to keep you healthy for surgery. That is the main goal with the pre-op is shrinking the liver and keeping you healthy for surgery.
   — eyeflirt4fun

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