Denied due to psych eval, how can my personal therapist admin eval?

I failed the psych eval, but teh reason was ridiculous! I had a nrevous breakdown after a very good friend died last year and a bunch of other stuff all happened at once - anyway, it's in the past and has NOTHING at all to do with this surgery, but the social worker who evaluated me said that since it was under a year ago (9 months) she couldn't reccommend me for surgery. My personal therapist (who thinks that I am definately ready and have the right attitude and support system)has written a few letters of reccommendation for bariatric surgery before, but he is in NY and I am now in NJ... he asked me to find out what specifics are needed in the report since it may be different for NJ. Does anyone know what I can tell him as to what I need from him for the report? Thank you all so much in advance for any help you can offer.    — meganl1125 (posted on January 7, 2009)

January 7, 2009
Megan, If you give me some more info maybe I can help... Where in NJ are you from? I worked with a surgeon in NJ who was horrible and switched to Maimonedies hospital.... All went great... Email me and lets talk as maybe I can be of help and give you some pointers.
   — sciguy4u

January 7, 2009
Megan, I also failed my first psych eval. The reason for mine was the Dr did not feel that my husband would be my main supporter in the new life style that the Dr felt he needed to be. I have always known that my husband is not my main support, and have great friends and family to fill those needs. What I did was work a little longer with my counselor to put it all in perspective, then I went back a couple of months later, to the same Dr, and asked to be re-evaluated. When she told me that she was still concerned with my marriage, I had very specific answers for those types of questions, and she approved me the second time. NOt sure if this helps, but it only made me wait another couple of months before the surgery, which in hindsite, I think I needed the extra time to read and learn more.
   — jen_kill

January 7, 2009
I suffered from depression and went through a really hard time in July of 2007 I was on tons of hormone pills for infertility and the first year of marriage with two teenage stepchildren visiting for the summer. My home was not a happy place. I snapped and tried to take my own life. Six months later I failed my psych eval. I was crushed because I had been going to therapy 2xs a month and really was working on my issues, one being my depression over my weight. It was so hard hearing NO. However, I was told to continue my therapy every two weeks and would been considered in six months for a re-eval. It was the best thing that ever happened to me I work really hard on myself and my fears. I was in the best place I could ever had been when I had my surgery. I did not understand it at the time and I considered going to a different program and not telling about my mental issues but I followed what the Psych wanted me to do and my therapist gave me such a positive review the program psyc did not even need to see me again. I went to the support group meetings and made sure to speak to the program psyc so she knew I was there and ask what goals I should set and followed everything according to the program. I was in the best place ever with the therapy and my very important vitamin "P" (prozac) I have not had on ounce of depression or any "blue" feelings even this Christmas and I always get the Christmas Blues. You had a huge loss and you were not able to handle it in a healthy manner. The surgery will be very mentally challening. You need to be in the best mental and spiritual place so you are the most successfull you can be with this surgery. The suicide rate for people who have the surgery is alarmingly high because people never address why they were depressed. People belive that lossing weight can solve all the problems but the problems can move to another areas of your life (i.e. drinking, shopaholic, sex addict,....)so do what the professionals want you to do, STOP and work on your mental wellbeing and your surgery will be the most successful it can be. BEST OF LUCK!!! I am 2 1/2 months post RNY and down 50 pounds.
   — Amandai

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