Back pain started 2 wks. post RNY/wake up with back ache

Before my RNY, I would hve a little back pain here and there, but about 2 weeks post surgery (surgery 02/01/08), I began waking up every single morning (including this morning) with a back ache. It's in my lower back, both sides and that is what usually awakens me each morning - the back pain. Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone have any idea why this pain has started? Thank you for your help!    — Gina S. (posted on February 28, 2008)

February 27, 2008
Is it possible that you can't shift your position at night as much because of the surgery on your belly? I know that my back hurts if I don't move frequently at night. Hopefully that will do better as the weight comes off. Or...could it be your kidneys? If you aren't getting enough water, they could be working overtime. Sorry if that doesn't help! Congratulations on your surgery!
   — abeeba

February 27, 2008
Most everyone that has had this surgery suffered with this same pain. I am 17 mos out and I still have it. My Doc said it is attributed to several things, mostly the shift in weight and your gait. in other words, you stand differently walk differently after losing weight. You will probably continue to experience this for awhile. Since I still do, I cant say when it will stop. Ibuprofen works for me. I have read many posts with this question, so it is quite common.
   — dessary316

February 27, 2008
Always call your doctor or surgeon if things persist and/or you have the gut know what I mean. was my experience. During the liquid phase before and after surgery - my kidneys were overworked from all of the peeing and from the high protein diet. It was pretty bad for a while - then started to get better. Mine lasted about a month and a half or so. Good luck.
   — jammerz

February 28, 2008
Yep, happened to me, but it got better with time and exercise. I'm almost a full year out and I can tell whenever I have a big weight loss/inch loss, as I get a little back pain, however not severe at all. That just lets me know I need to change a few exercises so I don't get used to them. Whatever you do DON'T take ibuprophen!!!! We can only take acetaminophen for the rest of our lives! The other poster that says she takes ibuprophen is probably going to have some major problems with her stomach later on. I was lucky, I took Tylenol before surgery, so I never had to switch. Some tylenol before bed and I wake up feeling great with no back pain. (Mine only lasts for one or two days). Hang in there, it does get better! Find some back muscle strengthening exercises for when you get to 1 month out and it will get even better! Good luck, God bless and welcome to the losing side!
   — crystalsno

February 29, 2008
I had back pain, and found out it was due to not drinking enough fluids. You are flushing alot of toxins and waste out of your system. Up your water and if it doesn't subside, I would call the doctor. Also, as the other person posted, dropping alot of weight fast will cause aches here and there. Good luck in your weightloss journey! Lesleigh
   — lesleigh07

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