
Any advice will help.....Since my surgery 10/29/07 I have a hard time drinking the require water in-take....And they say that's one of my problems...........HELP!!!    — pvgal2007 (posted on January 9, 2008)

January 9, 2008
I use crystal light and make ice tea for my licquid intake. You also count coffee, milk and any others. I trade off different things all day because I have such a hard time with it myself. Your protien also counts if you drink a mix for the 80 grams a day. Hope this helps
   — jonicorona

January 9, 2008
I used the walmart instant drink mixes. They are delicious. You must keep a bottle with you at all times! I even carry it in the grocery store!
   — Snoopylove

January 9, 2008
it seems no matter how much water i drink, i still have constipation. So i use Senna Tea, a tea drink from the health food store. in a tea bag. One 8 oz glass warm before bed. works everytime. i use it 2-3 times per wk.
   — shalmar

January 9, 2008
I know this one well, both of the issues you raise. Getting enough fluids is hard. Try altering the temperature to see if that makes it easier. For example, I can't drink anything cold. It hurts my pouch. So, I drink everything at least at room temp, but most of the time hotter. Also, I had the same "road block" problem. I was using Milk of Magnesia at first but that stuff tastes FOUL. So, now I use dulcolax pills. I take two of them each night, cut them in half and put them in a spoonful of yogurt. This is with my doc's permission, so I'd suggest you speak with your doctor before you do this. But, this takes care of the "road block". Good Luck!
   — Shirley D.

January 9, 2008
I know what you mean about the fluid intake and constipation. It's a battle I fight everyday. Lately I've been dring Wild Purple Smash by Hawaiian Punch. It's sugar Free and delicious. I even got my kids and husband hooked on it. It's in the pouch that you can add to your bottled water and sold where kool aid and crystal lite are. It doesn't have a funny after taste either. About the constipation, try eating more acidic fruits like pineapple, tangerines or oranges. Also, miralax is a powder sold over the counter now and it works pretty good. I always put it in a small cup of juice. Another thing I use is smooth move tea. I use 2 tea bags to 12-14 oz. of water. That really works. Hope this helps! Peace, Tania
   — Tania_B.

January 9, 2008
I just had my surgery last week, but have had the same problem. I drank about a 1/4 of a cup of diluted prune juice (I's yucky), but it worked within less than an hour after drinking it. Ask your doctor if you can take Perdiem works really well before surgery!
   — ladonna08

January 9, 2008
I don't know if you can't take in the proper amount of water, or water upsets your new stomach, orit hurts when you drink water from your question. All of these are possiblities, hearing from patients at bariatric suport group meetings. I'd suggest you let your surgeon know about the problem, as he may need to place a scope down you throat to look for obstructions, like a hernia. Many people have difficulty taking in 48-64 ounces of water daily. I know I do. Bring a water bottle with you everywhere you go, and try to take a couple of sips every 15 minutes.
   — Dave Chambers

January 10, 2008
Maria, drink as much water as you can, and exercise can make that water go farther. But if that does not work, I use miralax. It is a white powder, and I only use a half dose, as a full dose gave me bad gas. You add it to juice or water and drink it up to once a day (if you use a half dose, you can use a half dose twice a day). It works slow and well and it is NOT habit forming for a laxative. You might give it a try. You can get a type of it by perscription, but Miralax can be bought at a pharmacy or wal mart as well, but it is the Miralax brand. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

January 10, 2008
I had RNY on 8/21/07 and I have that problem too. I try to get in as much fiber as possible using things like benefiber and I take 2 colace pills a day. Hope that helps.
   — JennaKay

January 11, 2008
I only count water as water. If my kidneys have to sort thru it to find the water, it's not water to me. But then I solvedm y water problem and now get an easy 64-80 oz of water, as in water, per day. Didn't change a thing. Fiber didn't change a thing. Soluble, insoluble, both kinds, no kinds, no change. Finally I added magnesium oxide. Cheap, simple mineral, easy to find at the drug store. Not mag citrate (little green bottles used for "clean out") and not mag citrate, the pills, which are useful for stopping leg and foot cramps. Cheap ol' ordinary mag oxide. Mine are 500mg andI take 2 per day and finally ended an 11 yr battle with trying to deliver boulders bigger 'n mountains.
   — vitalady

January 11, 2008
Maria, Keep trying to get the fluids in. I drink Crystal Light, as well as water and it helps. Also, I take 2 stool softeners every afternoon. I use Walgreen's brand. It has the same ingredient as Colace (docusate) but is much cheaper. It keeps me regular. I also try to eat Activia yogurt every day.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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