7 months post-op - nothing sounds good

I dry heave everytime I think about eating food. I vomited up with water that I drank this morning. I drank normally and dry heaved it up. If I sip, I have to work hard to keep it down, but it stays. Has anyone else experience dry heaves over everything they considered eating? Is this a mental thing? I have no idea, this has been going on for about 2 weeks now. While grocery shopping, I dry heave because it doesn't sound good. It happens at restaurants. Help! Thank you! 7 months post-op - 295/185/150.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 17, 2003)

March 17, 2003
This isn't a mental thing, call your doctor right away. Not being able to keep water down is an emergency.
   — Amber L.

March 17, 2003
I agree with Amber. There might be something wrong with your pouch and you could become severely dehydrated if you're not keeping water down. call your doctor immediately! this sounds dangerous. :(
   — maurer_power

March 17, 2003
This is not normal at 7 months post-op. Check with your doctor. I had a kinked bowel and threw up or heaved on water too.
   — Cindy R.

March 17, 2003
Hi, I'm the orig asker of the question. Thank you for the feed back. I go in for an upper GI tomorrow & an ultrasound on my thyroid, because a mass has been found on it. Thanks again!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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