I'm scheduled for surgery GB in a week , I have become alittle overwhelmed

I worried about the diet and afraid of messing up , not sure if Im afraid now or just overwhelmed and will I get the hang of this? Is this feeling normal a week before surgery?    — barry l. (posted on December 29, 2009)

December 28, 2009
It is completely normal to feel this way. I was scared stiff at my preop appointment where I got my tests and prescriptions. I panicked just thinking about everything I would need to do. It gets easier with time. I am almost 5 months out and some things are becoming second nature to me. Don't get me wrong, it is hard - especially at first, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery!
   — Elizabeth_Ann

December 28, 2009
Don't worry, you will do fine. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed. Just try not to take in everything at once. Take one step, one food phase at a time (with that I mean, liquids, thick liquids, pureed/soft(same thing) and solid) and don't try to get a lot of information from different websites, that will only confuse you more. Honestly, I was more afraid of being late to the hospital, then I was to have the surgery. If you have a date, all of your paperwork is signed, sealed, delivered, approved, the fun has just begun. It will become second nature to you, as the other post mentioned. Best wishes. OH website is the only website I use for support, if that tells you anything........
   — Kristy

December 29, 2009
You will do just great. I, too, was a little scared and overwhelmed but take it slow and easy and you will in time enjoy what's happening to your new body.
   — cedar

December 29, 2009
Totally Normal! Listen do your best to get as many fluids as you can! You really need support groups.. trust me I was a basket case the month before surgery but I'm almost a year out and you will be fine..
   — mybabyboyboo

December 29, 2009
Trust me, everybody feels this way before surgery. You will do great I'm sure, just as most people do! Keep the faith and all will go as planned!
   — Jennifer F.

December 29, 2009
You will do fine if you just do what you are told to do. The very best advice I can give you with the band is always take very small bites and chew every bite until it is liquid. Do this, and you will never have a problem. Best of luck to you! It's not as hard as you might think.
   — Bonnie H.

December 30, 2009
My best friend was my support once I had my WLS. She prepared food I had already purchased and planned and made sure all my needs were met for a few days. If you can get someone to help you oce you get home, you will pick it up as second nature in no time! Best of luck to you and have a blessed 2010! We're on our way to health and happiness! Together we can do it! Julie J
   — jjack

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