4 wks out gastric bypass

I am having a little pain in my stomach .I went in an had a ultrasound on my stomach my results caome back dr.say I have a sluggish gallbladder go to doctor on october 13.Could this have came from the surgery.Has anyone else had this problem.    — felicia45Cook (posted on October 7, 2009)

October 8, 2009
Some people do get problems with their gallbladder post op, so if you haven't had problems pre op, doctors usually won't take the gallbladder out. But if you have had problems pre op, the doctor should have taken it out to prevent what you are going through right now. YOur plumbing has been completely redone, so it freaks the gallbladder out. (I guess) I hope I was able to answer your question.
   — Kristy

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