I have lost 110lbs in 6 months, now I am stuck

Any ideas on how to get this moving? I walk 20-40 minutes 5 days a week. I know i need to improve my fluid intake and protein. I want more off, help if you can and thanks in advance.    — missyheffelfinger (posted on September 10, 2007)

September 10, 2007
Hey, I lost 162 lbs in about 7 months and now so SLOW... so I don't know, the only way I figure is that mabye our bodies naturally just slow down as we get closer to our goal... it couldn't last that way forever, right? :) Congrats to yoU!!!
   — airbear762000

September 10, 2007
Hello, I am in the same boat a you. I have lost 130 lbs in 8 months. But, the scale has stopped moving. I also need to improve my fulid intake and protein. I am not sure what is going on. I think maybe we have just hit a small spot were are bodies are just readjusting. I know it is a pain to step on the scale and not see the numbers drop. But, I do belive for me that I am still losing in inches. Who, knows we are women that have hormones, water weight, and emotinial issues that I sure play a part in the whole process too. All I can say it to keep up the good work with working out. I found that water arobics is wonderful and easy to do. It is also easier on your body. I go every Saturday at the YMCA. Just remember to stay postive!!! Keep up the good workout!!! Talk your vitiams and try to improve on the fluid and protien intake. (the same goes for me...LOL) Stay postive and don't over stress it will come in time..... Ronda
   — Ronda C.

September 10, 2007
You have to shock your body. It's gotten used to you just walking. Try some different exercise. Maybe add sit ups to your routine while dropping the walking down to 3 days a week. Whatever you can do to shock your body into losing again. Awesome on the weight loss!!!! God bless and good luck!
   — crystalsno

September 10, 2007
Hey there... I've lost 112lbs in 6 months and although I haven't stopped, it has finally slowed. I made goal and am trying to maintain (a whole nother' Opera there). I would suggest a few things. Your body has gotten used to your routine - food and exercise. Mix it up. Do the liquid diet for 3-5 days to jump start. Mix up your exercise routine. Watch your calorie intake vs. your expentitures (exercise). Increase your fluid and protein. Keep a food journal, exercise and fluid intake for a week or two and see a NUT and have them analysis your process. I did and learned a ton. Good luck and CONGRATS on the weight loss!!
   — jammerz

September 10, 2007
You lost allot in a short time. One of the first things that you need to do is to take a look at your exercise. You need to change or up the intensity about every 2 weeks. Your body gets used to what you are doing and you need to change. In your walks, speed them up, walk farther in the same time. Maybe carry some hand weights or ankle weights. You are at the point now that it will take more to get the weight off.
   — jk_harris

September 11, 2007
ALL of these answers are on the money~! Follow thru on each of these fine people's advice and you will regenerate losing! Also remember that you may be making some muscle mass as well! (What's that?lol) That's what we've replaced with oodles of fat, remember? hahahaha Muscle weighs more than fat so do not panic or fret you are ALL doing terrific!
   — LouAB

September 11, 2007
Me again, read the last post and again another person thinks muscle weighs more than fat. UGH! LOL..MYTH MYTH MYTH NO NO NO NO muscle does NOT weigh more than fat! A pound of muscle weighs the EXACT SAME as a pound of fat!!!! Muscle is lean and more dense therefore takes up less space, and fat is bulky and takes up more space! <stepping off my soap box now> PLEASE spread the word about this common MYTH!!! Thanx!
   — crystalsno

September 15, 2007
I think everyone has made some good try to "stir" things up a bit...also, as far as the pound of fat versus's true that a pound is a pound no matter what, but I think when people say this they mean that a pound of fat takes up more room than a pound of's like comparing a pound of potatoes to a pound of cotton'll have a few potatoes but a room full of the sugar stuff...good luck!
   — BrendaMS

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