is it normal to be very very bloated the 6th day after surgery?

   — Eileenr (posted on July 17, 2006)

July 17, 2006
yes it's very normal. It's from all the gas they pump into your stomache from the laproscopic surgery. It is very painful but it should go away soon. I hope. Take care and good luck. Jeannie
   — jjeanniespets1

July 17, 2006
I am 7 days post op from Lap Band. I am still feeling bloated and at times it is painful. I did hear that it is normal. Others told me to walk alot because that helped them.
   — LeighMcCall

July 18, 2006
Very normal. I sweeled up like a fat little blueberry!! Walk alot and you should see an improvement very soon. Congatulations!
   — shannonwaycott

July 19, 2006
Very much so ... I had a cyst removed several years ago and I had gas for almost two weeks.
   — Dee Mackie

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