I am 46 and I need a buddy or two or three here !!

I have just found out about this surgery and I am scared! I had a vertical banded gastroplasty in 1993, was left in horrible pain, never lost any weight, gained even more. Now I have a hernia!!! Now, would you call that LUCK!!!! I go for my first doctor visit on Thrusday, aug 22, 2002. I don't even know what to ask. Tell me what I need to know to get this surgery and lose all this awful weight. I've prayed and prayed for an answer. I go to the Chat room to ask people questions, but with 4 dozen people all trying to talk at once, well, I can't get a word in sideways !!! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP !!!!!! In the words of Mr. Rodgers "won't you be my neighbor?" If you also need a friend, e-mail me or post your name here. I'm on Chat as LORRIE If you see me on there, double click on my name and I would love to Chat !!!    — LORRIE F. (posted on August 22, 2002)

August 22, 2002
Hi, Lorrie! Use web address is so much info available in Information Library, there's an Ask a Questions site, there's a Message Board, info about Insurance Companies, Surgeons, Peers in your State and so much more. I just had Open Rny on August 7, 2002, no complications, everything went fine. Adjusting now as to what and how much I need to eat. This website is a God send, if you have a problem, someone here can get you the answer and you'll receive more support than you could've ever dreamed. Jo-Dee Hortz
   — tinyjo

August 22, 2002
Lorrie, I will be 46 in November and had a revision in May from a VBG (1983) to RNY and am doing fabulous. There is a Library tab at the top of the page where you can type in "questions". That's where I found a list of dozens of questions to ask the doctor at my first visit. He sat with me and answered every one of them. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. Good luck.
   — Vicki H.

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