
I am 11 days post op and have terrible itchng all over. Has anyone experienced this before?    — hansbl2 (posted on June 13, 2010)

June 13, 2010
Try Benydrol sound like an allgrey. Sorry about the spelling.
   — pandavenise

June 13, 2010
The itching could be caused by dehydration, how is your fluid intake and does your skin feel different then before the surgery? I had the same problem with itching too and it turn out to be that I was not getting enough fluids so when I was able to increased my fluids the itching went away. Call your Dr. office if it gets worse.
   — Mary D.

June 13, 2010
Pain meds will cause itching in some people. It sure did with me. I took benedryl and that really helped.
   — Debbi S.

June 14, 2010
I'm a little over 2 wks post op and I just experienced the same thing this past weekend. The itching was maddening and I took benadryl. But on Saturday I was getting shakey, my temp was rising, and I wasn't eating/drinking like I should so I went to the ER. They put me on steroids and suggested liquid benadryl which made a huge difference. Sunday evening the itching finally stopped. I haven't taken pain meds since Thurs. which I was taking for g-tube pain but will not use that again.
   — JoyMac

June 14, 2010
This happened to me the evening of my surgery when I was taken off IV pain meds & started on oral. I kept scratching & scratching. After call my surgeon, they gave me Benadryl & I was fine. Lorraine
   — Lorraine_Z

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