revision surgery and alcohol abuse

I ahve gained just about all of my weight back after having an RNY in 2000. I have also developed a transfer addiction to alcohol. My psychaitrist reccomends sobriety 3- 6 months prior to the surgery and she feels this may be the motivator to get me to stop the drinking. Any information as to how long you should be abstinent from alcohol prior to surgery?    — lmwdezertgrl (posted on January 19, 2010)

January 19, 2010
My first response is "forever" but.....alcohol thins the blood and prevents natural clotting, should you have any issues, your blood would not clot and they would have troubles stopping bleeding and you could bleed to death if they can't get to it to stop quick enough. There are however medical techniques to stop it. But don't rely on those. You should call the surgeon and ask them that question. Having a revision is only a second tool for wls. Perhaps you should continue with your PHD until you figure out why you have replaced food with alcohol..but if you know then you are half way there. Best wishes to you.
   — Kristy

January 19, 2010
My honest opinion is and question also I guess is why in the world did you want weight loss surgery if you planned on eating in all back on. Seems that the alchol is controlling you and you are on the road to failure. I don't know how anyone can eat or drink like that after RNY. I sure can't I go out and walk everyday I do not want to go back to my old self ever again! Keep working on getting back to the way you where at the beginning get off the bad stuff.
   — smokeybonefan

January 20, 2010
I agree with the 2 other posters. Yet, even your question contains the brutal answer to what you are doing to yourself. You want to know how long you should abstain from alcohol prior to surgery. Does this mean your intention is on Day 1 following surgery, to be back on your old and very destructive habits? Are you Christian? Praying prayers of scripture out loud will definitely help you. What about saying positive affirmations out loud each and every day. Go to my personal OH site, where you will see a long laundry list of positive affirmations which are part of my life. It is I'm 5 years post RNY, down 150# and continuing to work on eliminating more excess weight. I pay very close attention to what goes into my mouth, making sure what I ingest is nutritious and good for my body. You could also go to my support group site where I just posted 13 questions to ask yourself. This is at With these tools and not a revision RNY but especially working with your psychiatrist -- really, really working with him or her addressing and I mean seriously addressing life-long emotional issues that are dragging you down and will continue to drag you down causing your weight to blow up like a huge balloon squashing all your organs and shortening your life -- you can become sucessful. At this point in time, any surgeon who would give you a revision surgery, in my opinion, is only in it for the monies he or she earns from the surgery and not because the surgery will help you. It won't. Blunt words; but, let us have blunt words truly help you. My prayers are with you. Blessings, Christine Gibson, MS, MA, Bariatric University Support Group Coach, Obesity Help Support Group Coach, Obesity Help Support Group Leader.
   — Christine Gibson

January 21, 2010
What I say is pick your poison! I also became an alcoholic after RNY surgery, only what I didn't care to admit the problem existed long before I had my surgery in dec 2005 and lost over 130 lbs! Now i've been sober almost 1 year and have a sponsor and go to AA almost every day! I also have a family and work full-time; so guess what? Now I'm addicted to chocolate almonds and i've never been good about excersizing, so I believe it;s a blessing that i've only put back on 15 lbs and my size 10's are tight! This is a lifelong journey for all of us and we all fall short in one area or another. The key is to keep on and ask God for help because no one has to do it all alone. In fact, we can't. So blessings on you!
   — anne49

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