Drain out but still have fluid draining and pain.

I am 11 days post-op and the incision on my left side where the little drain was taken out is infected. I am on antibiotics (Levequin) and the doctor cleaned it out with saline and then peroxide. It got much better for about a day but then it started to drain again way too much fluid and it smells and is green. I don't know what else to do! I feel like i am starting to go downhill. Has anyone had this problem?    — longislandamy (posted on February 16, 2008)

February 16, 2008
You have an infection. It sounds like it is getting worse. If I were you I would go to the emergency room. Better to have it seen, cleaned out, packed and perhaps a stronger antibiotic than to let it go a couple of days.
   — Gena L.

February 16, 2008
I am curious to know why type of surgery you had? Also, who was your doctor and hospital? I am having my surgery in 1 week. I am assuming you are going back to the hospital right away before this gets worse. They say never ignore an issue like this and get help right away. Please go back to the hospital this evening and insist that they fix this.
   — JenP

February 16, 2008
I had gastric bypass laproscopically, my doctor was Spencer Holover in New Hyde Park. Everything else is fine except this stupid drain incision.
   — longislandamy

February 16, 2008
If you can't get a hold of your Dr. to let him/her know that it has gotten worse then go to the emergency room ASAP. Don't waite..... Infections are nothing to fool with. Best of luck..
   — niecie54

February 16, 2008
Amy: Call your doctor immediately. If s/he won't see you, go to the ER. This is nothing to wait on. Not trying to scare you, but be aware that infections can go "systemic." That's the last thing you want. Let us know how you are faring.
   — jujuprof

February 16, 2008
You need to go to ER as soon as possible, they have to clean it and maybe pack it, then you have to do it daily maybe 2-3 days a day. Mine got infection but it was alower site on my right side, my doctor clean it and pack it and then my husband clean it and pack it for me and it heal from inside out. I have another place due it to me with another surgery and when it pop from my room into my living room i had fill my husband shirt full of infection, when to er and they push and clean it and I went for about 6 weeks 3 times a week and my husband did it. you know the qu-tip with long wood stick the only thing that he had hold to the the very end of it. so go to er.
   — carman

February 16, 2008
how big is it that you would need packing mine was not that big at all
   — delaney7

February 16, 2008
Amy, run don't walk, run to your surgeon, you need care right away. Don't wait. You should not be in pain, and after 11 days, your body should not be reacting like this. Please see someone right away. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

February 16, 2008
I would strongly suggest that you either call your doctor or go to an E.R. ASAP. You don't mess around with an infection of any kind.
   — Brenda R.

February 17, 2008
Call your surgeon and ask him to either meet you at the emgerency room, or call the doctor on duty there and tell him to contact him when you arrive. I had a little additional drainage, but it was more a milky red, fluid and had a small oder, but no pain and it slowed every day for the first three days I was home and then stopped. It might be that you are forming a fistular
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 17, 2008
Go to the dr. asap...Have them swab it and check for MRSA it's a staph infection that can be very dangerous. In the meantime, go to your local drugstore and buy Hibaclease it's a surgical soap that kills infections. It's in the pharmacy area, wash the wound and your whole stomach with it. But I highly suggest you get to the DR.
   — wandajomorgan

February 17, 2008
Amy, I would suggest you return to your doctor (surgeon) immediately. This is NOT a "let's wait and see" situation! May I also suggest that you request to be admitted for 2-3 days so your doctor may closely monitor the drainage. Sending you home could be a BIG mistake! Wishing you the best.
   — FindingAdrienne

February 18, 2008
My incision where the drain was got infected too. All they had me do was use dial liquied soap to clean it. It was green but it did smell. I was very scared. It was not big deal. The first night I was home from the hospital I wanted to lay on my side so badc so I finally was able to get myself comfortable on my side. When I woke up in the morning I had the biggest wet spot from where the drain was. I am assuming the drain didnt get all the fluid out. Anyway I would call the dr and see if they want to put you on antibiotics since it is green but use the dial soap. It is antibacterial.
   — Joanc

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