I am meeting with the pyschiatrist, what should i expect? Do I have to weigh in

   — Prettylady33 (posted on July 20, 2011)

July 20, 2011
Is this in your pre-authorization stage leading up to your acceptance and insurance approval? If so, he/she will just be asking you questions and talking with you about your life, eating habits, weight loss/gain over time and making an assessment as to your emotional well being to decide if you are mentally capable of going through the surgical procedure and life afterwards in what it takes to discipline yourself to do the surgery and making the life altering changes needed post surgery.
   — 883SportHoney

July 20, 2011
When I was preparing for my surgery, I met with the psychiatrist, NUT and surgeon. I went through many hoops before the surgery, which I am glad I did. I had to wait one year prior to surgery.
   — FSUMom

July 20, 2011
When I was preparing for my surgery, I met with the psychiatrist, NUT and surgeon. I went through many hoops before the surgery, which I am glad I did. I had to wait one year prior to surgery.
   — FSUMom

July 20, 2011
SportHoney got my experience. I had to take a MMPI test which is an evaluation tool. My suggestion is to be truthful in talking with the psychologist and if you have to take the MMPI test. I administer a MMPI test to juveniles on my job and that test can tell if someone is trying to "out fool" the test - so don't even try. This evaluation is for your own good. I don't remember having to weigh in before meeting with the psychologist.
   — Muggs

July 20, 2011
a lot of questions about your life,personal and familiar, be the most honest that you can, don't play " mind games", relax your self and enjoy the conversation, is always good to have somebody listening you, good luck!!!!!
   — lanuevaani

July 21, 2011
No weigh in necessary that I know of. The test was very quick and easy to to answer since I went through it without trying to analyze it or figure out what they wanted to hear. Just be honest and quick and don't look back. When talking to the psychologist, I gave him more info than was probably necessary and he didn't bat an eye. I was obviously a candidate and nothing I had said was news to him. We laughed together over most of the anecdotes actually... When I got my copy of the letter he submitted, it was obvious that he had not been in that meeting to judge, and he was on my side. He stated all the reasons why I met the criteria for needing it (physically, mentally, emotionally) and how I indicated that I would be able to be a compliant patient after the surgery. If anything, I would say THAT is what they want to hear out of everything said. How we're preparing through research, menu-planning, supplement purchases, gym memberships, familial support, support, and committing to attending support group meetings to make sure we are successful. Good luck! :-)
   — Ruthie D.

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