What are the 5 year complications?

I was reading someones blog and she said was experiencing he "5 year promlems" What is that?    — Athinnermom (posted on January 23, 2010)

January 24, 2010
hello, I am 5 years post-op and not experiencing anything beyond the normal. The only thing I can think of is the greatest possiblity of weight gain. At the 5 year point, you can mostly tolerate all foods again and prone to snack and eat. Hope this helped, Janet
   — Janet H.

January 24, 2010
After RnY surgery, post-op RnY patients will always have malapsortion of nutrient issues and must always take adequate vitamins, especially chewable ones. B-12 must be liquid or sub-lingual. Also, protein intake must be higher than non-wls folks. My surgeon reccommends 65+ grams of protein/day for women, but I've heard of different amounts. Calcium is vital; I think there is some risk of osteoporosis if your calcium levels are low. Easy solution: Take calcium citrate, not carbonate. Oh, and the other thing: have your bloodwork done once or twice a year to really know what is going on. I'm 2 years out from surgery and my most recent bloodwork showed that I was low in B-12. I realized that I had been lazy & not been taking it regularly, so I gotta remember to pay attention! Therese
   — therese H.

January 25, 2010
After RnY surgery, post-op RnY patients will always have malapsortion of nutrient issues and must always take adequate vitamins, especially chewable ones. B-12 must be liquid or sub-lingual. Also, protein intake must be higher than non-wls folks. My surgeon reccommends 65+ grams of protein/day for women, but I've heard of different amounts. Calcium is vital; I think there is some risk of osteoporosis if your calcium levels are low. Easy solution: Take calcium citrate, not carbonate. Oh, and the other thing: have your bloodwork done once or twice a year to really know what is going on. I'm 2 years out from surgery and my most recent bloodwork showed that I was low in B-12. I realized that I had been lazy & not been taking it regularly, so I gotta remember to pay attention! Therese
   — therese H.

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