What do I have to look forward to in the last month before surgery?

I have one more month before I am eligible to have lap band surgery. I have read so much and read so many chats about what to expect. I listen intently and ask questions on my doctors visit but I want advice. Do I need to start substituting protein shakes now to get myself ready both physically and mentally for full liquids? What did everyone else do?    — bcrobey (posted on September 11, 2008)

September 11, 2008
Hey! Congrats on your upcoming surgery! I had lap band o Aug 26. I am a little over 2 weeks post op. I would just read as much as possible about every situation. Every wls patient is different and reacts differently to surgery. Just prepare yourself for any situation. As far as the protein drinks, you could buy a couple different kinds now and taste test them to see which ones you prefer so you are ready and prepared for the first couple weeks. Personally I couldnt do the shakes at all so I drank Carnation instant breakfast ( no sugar added). Also, you could make a list of some things you need at home after surgery such as food and supplies ( body pillow is great for sleeping on your side) and any other supplies that you may need. Watching some youtube videos is great.You can learn alot from other ppl experiences. Also, I would tell you to check out the because everyone there is a bander. This is a great site but there is every kind of wls here, lapbandtalk is only banders and its been very helpful to me and they have a great chatroom. If you have any detailed questions you want answered, message me. I am not that experienced yet but everything is very fresh in my mind since I had surgery recently and can remember what you may be going through. Message me anytime
   — trbccowan

September 11, 2008
I would say, being into my 5th week post lap rny, that you'll definitely be getting enough of the protein shakes AFTER surgery, so I wouldn't start any earlier than your liquid diet pre-surgically. You'll get sick of 'em. =) The liquid diet is a little stressful initially. I just started mine after a completely "normal" diet, and it took a few days for my body to adjust to the changes. You'll be less energetic, possibly tired and cranky, but after days 3-4 you'll be fine. Good luck with your upcoming surgery!!
   — Mandee B.

September 11, 2008
I've been drinking protein shakes one or two times a day for over two years and I have NEVER gotten sick of them. I love them. What's not to love about having to choose between chocolate or vanilla!!! I also eat really healthy "real" food as well. I guess it all comes down to how willing you are to be healthy.
   — Ruth Shapovalov

September 12, 2008
Congratulations on getting this far! One thing I have learned reading this site is that each doctor has different instructions for his patients. My doctor believes it is better to start cutting out things that you can't have after surgery so that you aren't hit with everything at once. So - no caffeine, no carbonated drinks, and most important - start leaving those carbs and sugars alone. The sugars and carbs (which turn to sugar as soon as you eat them) give you signals that you are hungry - plus most of your calories after surgery need to come from protein. Carbs were the hardest for me - but after one week of cutting them out (oh, leaving pasta, bread and potatotes alone was a killer that first week!), I no longer craved them. Plus, he had me start having at least one protein meal replacement a day. He recommends the Metagenics Bariatrix Protein Shakes available online. They actually are pretty good, and you can experiment by adding bananas, or S/F flavorings, yogurt, etc. to the shakes for a bit of variety. By following his instructions, it also helped me to clean out my pantry and have the correct items on hand for after surgery - and showed my family the changes that I will have to be making. It was great on educating them, and helped them to be there for me. I lost 15 pounds in the two weeks prior to surgery, and am now 1 week post-op and have lost 8 pounds so far. The only problems I have really had are air/gas bubbles forming when I drink the shakes. A good tip - after mixing your shake, let it sit in frig for 30 minutes or so for the foam to go down - then you don't swallow as much air! Good luck!
   — Wendy M.

September 12, 2008
I began exercising as much as I could to get myself in the best shape possible, I began a low carb diet to lose some weight, I used my incentive spirometer to get my lungs in shape to prevent pneumonia and began reading all of the books I could get my hands on. I recommend "The Emotional First Aid Toolkit" by Cynthia Alexander, "Taming Your Gremlin" by ??? and "Before and After" by Susan Maria Leach. These are the first ones. OH magazine as well. I bought some low carb/WLS cookbooks and began using the recipes. I sampled protein shakes to see what I liked before surgery. I also began meditating for a few minutes every day either on my own or with a CD for relaxation (as I was nervous about my upcoming WLS) and began really focusing on positive self talk. Takes practice. Good luck and congrats, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLCdddddd
   — DawnVic

September 14, 2008
I applaud you for deciding to have the surgery, and to give an answer to your question, the surgeons office usually has guidelines which they give you to address that. I would try different brands to see which you handle better. Optisource is a popular recommendation by GB surgeons, but not the only option. I found a lot were really nasty and some were good, but I became, as many do, lactose intolerant and that is a show stopper for a lot of them. I hope you don't have any complications and as you start your new life that you'll have all the happiness you can. Dusty
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

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