I'm going with my daughter, what do I need to take?

My daughter is having the surgery, I'm going to go with her. What shall I take with me since I won't be staying in the Hotel. I will be in her room at all times    — MeenzBeenz (posted on September 7, 2008)

September 7, 2008
Hi Mollie, You dont mention what kind of WLS. But, I would take the proper sleeping wear, as well as plain old comfortable clothes for day wear. Maybe some thing to read, sew..something to give your self to do while she sleeps. Your daughter is very lucky to have such a wonderful mother! My kids [all grown] did the samething and someone stayed with me at all times. Will keep you both in my prayers.
   — tootsie52

September 7, 2008
my mother stayed with me before and after surgury. she read alot of books and came back to my house and just helped with the up keep of my home and my dautgher and husband to make sure they where ok as well. I slept alot so I felt a little bad not wanting to talk a whole lot but I was just worried about my getting my walking in for the pain and trying to get the fluids in me. She will be fine and lucky that you will be there with her.
   — anajera

September 7, 2008
If it was me, I would take along the things that were mentioned previously, plus some chapstick for her lips (mine were so dry after surgery), ask to see the list that someone has compiled for what to take to the hospital and see what you can glean from that. Marti in San Jose
   — Marti P.

September 7, 2008
After having read the news report about the Isreali couple with all the kids and luggage that left the LITTLE one at the AIRPORT, I would say the MOST IMPORTANT THING is to make sure you BRING THE KID! ;-) I suspect that she is probably old enough to take care of herself, but keep an eye on her. SHE is the reason for the trip. You don't want anything going wrong on the way down that would delay the surgery. You are going to have a LOT on your hands trying to juggle things as you travel. Make sure that SHE is the priority. I hope that ALL goes well for you! Good luck, Hugh.
   — hubarlow

September 7, 2008
I definitely agree with the other posts...bring some things to keep your mind occupied. The first 24 hours after surgery your daughter will sleep a lot and be learning how to manage her pain. I think the biggest and most important "thing" you can take with you is PATIENCE and REASSURING for your daughter. She will most likely go through a lot of emotions (i.e. "why did I do this"...screaming about the pain, etc.). Just be a ROCK and be patient and reassure her that she did this for her health. You are both lucky to have each other.
   — ALafferty

September 7, 2008
Hi, This is Linda and I received a list from my doctor of what to bring with me, if you daughter got one look and see what pertains to you and take it, here is my list shampoo/conditioner, Blow dryer,hair brus, make up, face cleanse, moisturzing cream, glasses /contact items, deodorant, lip balm, medication,slippers, robe/ pj, underwear, outfits, journal , phone book(personal to contact friend and family), walkman/radio/cd, dvd & player(if you have one),pillow (if you have a special one),any item you feel will help spend you time with. Good Luck and GOD BLESS
   — LBowker

September 8, 2008
Take pillows for both you and your daughter. I took mine, just because I always take my pillow when I have to sleep elsewhere. We didn't take one for my husband. The hospital pillows weren't much better than a think phone directory. My husband got a cot to sleep on and I swear it was just a garbage bag filled with newspapers. The other thing I wish we'd have taken for him was some snack items. I had complications while he went to get breakfast. After that he didn't want to leave the room at all and wouldn't until the nurses picked up on this and made him go leave. A walk and getting away even for 15-20 minutes will be good for you. I think I had better sleep while there than my husband. I had a private room and shower so he was able to shower. Don't forget toiletries, including tooth brush.
   — MKPstamps

September 8, 2008
My best friend drove 6 hours to be with me day and night after my surgery. Because I slept A LOT, she says she wouldn't have been able to survive without her laptop. Most hospitals have Wi-Fi connections. She also brought some DVDs to watch on her laptop, with a headset as to not disturb my sleep. Don't forget your laptop charger and cel phone charger! My son had the same surgery 3 weeks after me, and I stayed with him day and night, and I read a book ... HE'S the one who was on the laptop!! Yes, he did that well! And didn't even have to have a drain! If your daughter is like most patients, the pain meds (and other factors) will cause her to be HOT, and she'll want the A/C LOWWW. Bring a sweatshirt and sweater so you don't have to curl up with a blanket the entire time. I'd encourage you to bring your own pillows, but I wouldn't bring your daughter's due to sanitation issues unless you wash the pillow prior to bringing it to the hospital. She's very fortunate to have you with her! Bring a smile, encouragement, patience and persistance ("Yes, you have to walk every four hours, EVEN in the middle of the night, but I'll be walking with you!). Best of everything to both of you!
   — Susan L.

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