am i suppose to feel this bad?

I am about 3 weeks post op and i still feel terrible. I don't have any incision pain but i just feel bad almost flu like. I am feeling dizzy if I stand too long and everything makes my puch feel uncomfortable. I am trying not to regret this desicion but it is so hard when I cannot get back to my normal life. I have to go back to work soon and i don't know if i'll be up to it. Does anone have an insight or suggetions on getting mself together    — sonyaracene (posted on November 12, 2007)

November 12, 2007
Please be careful. I felt the same way after surgery. I thought that I was just over doing it. I went to the ER and I had a dangerously low potasium level. Be sure and let your Doc know how you are feeling.
   — princess311

November 12, 2007
   — aluvzu2

November 12, 2007
First of all, you are on the last legs of healing from MAJOR surgery. Second, increase your water intake, and last but not least, have a full and complete blood count done to make sure your levels are ok. I didn't get dizzyness until about 2 months but once I increased my water, I was fine. You need to rest still as major surgery does a number on you not to mention your hormone's! Rest as often as your body tells you to! Good luck, God bless and welcome to the losing side!
   — crystalsno

November 12, 2007
I had the MGB a month ago and have gone through all sorts of changes. The past few days I've had an ache under one of my laps incisions that I attribute to fluids that didn't drain properly. A week ago, I couldn't keep any food or liquids down. I continue to have difficulty with vitamins - diarrhea. They all seem like bumps in the recovery road because despite all that, I'm down over 40 pounds. I've heard that physical recovery takes longer than we think; some say two to three months. Aloha, Tom
   — Tom Y.

November 12, 2007
iam almost 1month post-op please try some protein it did me all the good. I mean meat eat some chicken are something like that
   — bigman567

November 12, 2007
I'm nearly one month out and feel much the same way as you do. I had a lap RNY. I've had issues with an infection in the largest incision, but haven't been able to eat anything without feeling terrible afterwards. It's getting better though and I'm down 20 pounds so far. I just think it takes time. I heard that the 6 week point it all seems like it was a bad dream. You'll start to feel better soon...but if you have any concerns...please let your surgeon know. That's what they're there for. Good luck. Hugs....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

November 12, 2007
I am now 6 1/2 weeks out, and felt like you did for the longest time. As much as you don't feel like it, DRINK - I hated to be told this but it was true. Mild nausea is one of the first signs of dehydration according to the nurse at my MD office, and drinking more helps with the nausea. It also helps the fatigue. And if you are mildly dehydrated that can cause the dizziness you are experiencing. And get your vitamins in religiously. Good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon!
   — Joyous

November 12, 2007
Hi Sonya, thanks for writing. Your first line of defense is to contact your surgeon. They need to know what is going on and check you out. It may sound like the flu, but if something is out of whack, then they need to figure it out. Better safe than sorry. My surgeon told me that if I was not feeling better every day that she wanted to know. Use that as a rule of thumb. I had a few days that didn't feel good, and I waited a day or so, but if things have not changed for you, please get checked right away. Having said that, let me say this. You won't be back to normal for some time. Some people have this surgery and get back to work in a week and keep going. I was not that way, and it sounds like you aren't either. It took me six full weeks to recover, even though I had the lap rny. I just need time to recover, and if you are pushing yourself too fast, it will not help you. Please get plenty of rest, walk around the block and drink lots of water. The pouch is touchy right now, concentrate on your protein and warm fluids (decaf tea, hot cider). This sometimes helps my pouch a lot. But first, call that surgeon and check in. Thanks. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

November 13, 2007
I know just what you mean. At 4 mos. out I am just now finding some energy. I recovered well and quickly from the surgery but energy was so low. I agree with the others that walking anyway and lots of fluids did help. Post surgery depression is also a problem for alot of people--hormone release and all that. I am down 50 plus pounds and my body feels so much better--it is worth the first horrible few weeks. My family is excited for me--good stuff like my thighs fitting under my husbands steering setting and being out of women's sizes are happening. All the exciting things that you did this surgery for are still waiting to happen--so sip sip--get some protein bullets if you just cannot get the protein down. Call your doc you may need more supplements or an antidepressant. This will pass and later you will be part of a group that says just wait--have patience... Christine
   — Christine M.

November 13, 2007
I think everyone's recovery is different. I too am 3 weeks post op and am feeling great, except for developing Lactose intolerace and the onslot of diarrhea which caused dehydration. I think you should contact your doctor and tell him/her your symptoms and of course increase your water intake and protein intake. For my first 2 weeks post op I did sleep alot but I am 64 so then again it may be my age. I wish you well and don't regret your surgery - your will feel better - soon. Nanajane
   — NanaJane

November 13, 2007
Unfortunately I can't help you much but I can sympathise. I still feel a lot of dizziness. My labs look good, I'm getting enough water. My surgeon has no answers either. I totally know what you mean about nor wanting to regret the decision. I do feel a little better week by week. Blessings, Joanna
   — Joanna J.

November 13, 2007
Sonya, I think some people have those moments where they regret having the surgery -- but that is only for a moment. As far as the dizziness, my doctor always recommended increasing water intake and that usually took care of the dizziness. The flu like symptoms I never felt so I can't speak on that one. Some of it can be weakness and being tired; however you have walk and walk and build your stamina back up. Surgery, regardless of what kind can take your energy. I'm not going to say take your vitamins because you're probably already doing that. Try taking your vitamins at night about an hour or so before you go to bed to see if that makes a difference. A fitness friend suggested that I try doing that -- this way the vitamins move through your body at night while the body is at rest. I take my vitamin D at night and that appears to make things better and I feel better. Try that and see what happens.
   — the7thdean

November 14, 2007
i will be 2 weeks out today and I have lost 31 lbs. But let me tell you, I am so sick of the liquids, I started soft foods a day early. I have boughts of dizziness. Sometimes when I go out walking I'll have to stop because I get a feeling of shakiness. I feel a "full" sensation and that was before I started to eat and by the end of the second week, I was barely getting any liquid in because I just couldn't do it. I am to be cleared to go back to work and I just don't see how I can do it. I went out with my family shopping and I had to push the cart to have something to lean on, something I've never had to do before, or just leaning on my husband because I felt this "fullness" feeling. I too am trying not to regret this decision and am happy about the 31 lbs, although I'm upset that I gained a lb today, I guess from the eating, I don't know but I'll be glad to go back to the doctor and discuss all of this with him. Good luck on getting things together.
   — PAWLLA L.

November 14, 2007
I can relate to your situation. For months I thought I would never eat a meal without throwing up. It does stop. As far as the dizziness goes, I have found that I get dizzy if I am not getting enough water or if I don't eat enough protein. I feel like I'm going to pass out if I stand up. You really have to be careful about getting enough protein in the beginning. I am almost 5 years out and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. It does get better.
   — rose2rose

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