do i really have to wait 2 yrs after surgery to have a baby?

what will happen if i get pregnant 6 month after surgery ?    — enchanteddiva (posted on October 17, 2007)

October 17, 2007
You're body is going through major changes and you NEED to weight until you are at least 18-24 months out. Any sooner will increase the chances of birth defects, deficiencies, and serious risks to both your health. Wanting a baby is such a hard thing, but you want a healthy baby and to give you and your baby the best chance. Please wait!
   — Tomi D.

October 17, 2007
Julie,I'm afraid that whomever told you to wait 2 years is probably correct. I was told the same because you have to give enough healing time for you7r pouch and it is very hard to hold enough food for two in this..You will end up stretching it out early and not having the restriction you need to lose weight. When its babby time you need to gain weight.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 18, 2007
I was told by my doctor to wait ATLEAST a year. They never mentioned waiting 2 years though. However, it does sound like a better way to go to wait two years or atleast 1 1/2. However, I know a woman who accidently got pregnant 6 months post op and everything was fine. BUt we are all different. It's probably not a good idea to take the unnecessary chance to you or the baby. I am waiting for a surgery date and am in the same boat as you. I can't wait to have another baby after surgery. But I know I will have to be patient in order for the both of us to be healthy. If you are already pregnant, I am sure everything will be fine. Good luck to you!!!!!!!!! Angie
   — Sillyguts

October 18, 2007
Maybe you should have the baby first and then your surgery..........Just a thought.
   — dthomp

October 19, 2007
I was told I needed wait one year, and then discuss with my surgeon my sucess with my weight loss and protein intake before I try to get pregnant. I am almost 40 so that could have something to do with it, I can't wait to long at my age. I was told several times by my surgeon that the majority of his patients who don't wait past one year or have an accidentally pregnancy are never really happy with their weight loss results because they didn't take advantage of the honeymoon weight loss stage of the first 18 months out from the surgery. If I don't have all my weight down by next August I may decide to wait a little longer. I know that it is difficult to wait if your entire goal was to get pregnant, I been down that road, I was crazy for my baby until I got pregnant the first time at 36 years of age. This can work for you and your family if you give your body the time it needs to lose weight and make you happy and stable before you add a pregnancy to the mix. I am two months out post op and I am having issues keeping food down right now. So be careful, don't let your mind make plans ahead of your body... play it by ear and when it is the right time for you and your family you will know. Good luck Blessings, Sami Sue
   — Sami U.

October 19, 2007
I know of several people who got pregnant before the 2 year limit and a couple who did not even wait one year (pregnancy by surprise I call it), and everything turned out fine, but please be careful and know you can eat and get the right nutrients for you and your unborn baby.
   — KRWaters

October 19, 2007
Did you know there is a "pregnancy" forum here at OH?. Check with the people there.
   — KRWaters

October 21, 2007
chances are you will never make it to your goal weight!why not wait till then or have a baby first. you will stuggle, i was 15 months post op and i never made it to goal. now 2 years later after being on topamax for about 7 months im a size 4. think hard about your choice.
   — shellypoe

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